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Taylor Sponseller

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Posts posted by Taylor Sponseller


    I am sick and tired of "children" making tiny clans that die in a month and clog these threads.

    Im looking for people to start a real Halo Community for Halo MCC. We all want a clan with a nice site, good forums, active members, cool youtube videos, and Streams people watch. I have come to the conclusion the best way to do that is finding mature players who you enjoy playing with. Skill in my opinion is not a factor, create something that people enjoy being a part of, and good players will want to join. I believe in playing together frequently to become better as group. Am I a super talented Halo player? no.



    I believe in a social media driven clan, one that isnt too big (100+ members is wayyyyy to much) and isnt to small (less than 15). I would love to start something real with some of you, I only require that you want to take it seriously, and we use our vision to create something we all love and enjoy.



    I am sorry i dont have some clan claiming to do MLG in the summer with some cool name that has something to do with warfare. What i do have though, is a specific set of skills. These skills will help me create something special for us to enjoy. So if you have interest in starting something from the beginning, sharing and expanding it to become something people want to be a part of. Send me a message on XBOne, and we can talk about this and work together. My gamertag is SUPMACBROMAN.



    Please no one under 18. And if you do not intend on really working to make something great, dont waste mine or your time.

    Happy Gaming to all!


    (And Happy St Pattys to all you irish ********!) :thumbsup: :respect:

    Sounds awesome. Count me in. I have a 360 and a One with all halos. I keep and K/D of 2.0 on halo 4. I've been looking for some people to team with. GT is SwiftBuTtErS

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