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    Senseless Ogre

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. I finished LASO last night with three other partners. After watching the final cutscene in its entirety, only one of us got the achievement. When we go to load up the playlist it restarts us to the beginning of the campaign, with no option to select individual stages. It says 9/10 of the levels were complete, with the only stage not completed being the epilogue (Which all of us watched) Is there any possible fix for this without restarting the whole campaign? If not, I have a few suggestions. First of all, there should be an option to select individual stages in the playlist, this way hardcore fans like myself don't need to do this all over over again. Another solution is allowing the LASO achievements to be completed outside of a playlist. This would help eliminate the checkpoint sharing exploit. Even though the checkpoint sharing is supposedly fixed...this fix greatly hinders those who actually completed the game, and didnt have progress for one of the stages. Thank you.
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