Halo, Halo, and....oh yeah! Halo! (I collect the books, I have all the games, and I'm writing a book about the story of my clan (Burning Wolves) in the Halo storyline (hoping that one day we get a game deal with the company runnin halo in the future))
My clan is a big interest to me. I talk to the people in it all the time and just figure out whats going on in their lives and such. They're like family to me...(so don't mess with em or i'll have to kill yah) I am also interested in various animes. Favorite bands include breaking benjamin, dead by april, linkin park, and disturbed (probably in that order). Favorite colors are various shades of blue. Favorite animal is the wolf.Love Mtn Dew (preferably voltage) I'm an urban ninja...no seriously.. O-O I have almost all the halo achieves (sooner or later i will have them all mwuahahahha). Yes I'm a nerd @w@ got a prob with it? I do have a life, in fact I have multiple. Which brings me to my next point, I do have a wee bit of a multipersonality issue (don't panic 99% of them aren't dangerous). I play...well firstly halo, i play black ops cause one of my ex's convinced me too, i play fable cause another of my ex's did, i played skyrim (lovely game needs to be made multiplayer and it wont be beatable), i play Mabinogi on the computer (i have a level 1300, a family, a pet dragon who spits lightening, and all black armor covering my whole character giving me an invincible look of epicness), i also played guild wars on the computer (my char on there is metal plated from head to toe as well, and my clan on there for which i am second in command was one of the most feared in the 12 v 12 pvp they had for lux vs kurz we'd enter a game and opposing team quit before it even began...WOLVENS FOR LIFE) another point! i am writing a multi-book volume based around the wolvens (this book im making with the help of like 10-15 people most of whom have characters involved in the story)
now- just for the heck of it: ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
and a nice quote to go with: The good news is we have them on the run...the bad news is they are running straight for us.
(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ RAWR!!!
[notices everyone staring...]
┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) Sal' good...
cant wait to finish it but itsa take a long time cause now its been increased to where itsa be like 20-25+ chapters >.< this thing will hurt if u drop it on ur toes