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Mr. Wolfy

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Status Updates posted by Mr. Wolfy

  1. I just need help with life...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Akali


      Want me to give you a nice, juicy bone? ;) if you want to pm me, feel free, I'll try my hardest to help

    3. joshyzburton


      Yang...Bones are not juicy

    4. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      Thanks Yang but it was a HEEEEUUUUUUGGGGEEEE personal thing involving a breakup and a bunch of backstabbery, and I think I just solved the entire situation by simply just walking away... >.< Now to randomly shoot stuff on various games to remove my hostility~ :3

  2. ∩( ・ω・)∩ Anybody wants to become famous on a youtube series and haz halo 3~?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rue


      Are you looking for voice actors? I'd totally be interested..

    3. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      Voice actors, body actors, editors, recorders~ we'll take anything at the moment. Everything helps. :3

    4. Rue


      I'll message you

  3. Occulas or w/e its spelled bought out by facebook~!!! FACEBOOK~!!! I mean really what is that~?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Delpen9


      Who doesnt want notification popping up while playing a game?

    3. Delpen9


      but Bnus, Microsoft would have been the ideal company to buy the Oculus, and many game developers are angry over this.

    4. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Oculus the movie looks scary as hell.



  4. You walk into an empty compound which was supposed to be overcrowded with survivors during a zombie appocolypse, a woman is cooking meat on a stove, its a suburban location and there is no grass to feed cows readily at hand, furthermore you didn't hear or see cows. What do you think the meat came from~?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      "Oh the ring? Yeah, we were married for 14 years..."

    3. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Meat came the freezer.

    4. Is not JL
  5. On an absolute warpath at the moment. There are two things you don't steal from a wolf, his girlfriend and his content, one of these is being threatened...

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Don't let this threat become a real problem.

  6. Running in place. Feeling like you're losing your faith. Feeling like your fading away, without a voice to break the chains. Don't you get played. Don't you let em hand you your fate. Don't you know the world is your stage~? So whatchu gotta say~? Lemme hear you SOUND OFF~!

  7. Kickin Wolfy style~ HEYYYYYYYYYYYY Wolfy's crazeh~! Ki- ki- ki-ki- kickin Wolfeh style~


  9. Assistance needed in the aquering of a sound clip of the Halo 4 warthog's engine starting up and running~!

    1. Buns
    2. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      If you can send a good audio clip you'll find out~

  10. Due to lacking content support, stories discontinued until further notice.

  11. J/w might there be any furries on here~? o3o

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      O -o so a hedgehog~? intrueging...

    3. D-38 Boss
    4. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      ever considered joining a furry community~? :D

  12. Message to all people reading this~ If you play Halo 3 or Blackops 1~ PLEASE RECORD ANY AND ALL KILLS WITH FLAME BASED WEAPONS AND SEND THEM TO ME~!

    1. Lycaoni


      i would if i could record... or was good lol

    2. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      Bullllll~ Stop self-hating, and you can record with theater~? :D

  13. If anyone is looking at THIS post ABOVE the other post talking about joining his clan. You are prolly rolling your eyes at the clan advertisement and are prolly NOT looking to join a clan, and so you should NOT join the Wolfy family on xbox~! :D

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Sorry mate, immune to reverse psychology.

    2. Mr. Wolfy
  14. What I really meant to say~ is I'm sorry for the way I am. I never meant to be so cold. I never really~ wanted you to see~ the screwed up side of me that I keep~ locked inside of me so deep. I never really wanted you to go~ so many things you should have known. I guess for me there's just no hope. I never meant to be so cold.

    1. Azaxx


      Need to talk?

  15. Bad things always occur in threes....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fishy


      You said 3, Half Life 3 confirmed.

    3. Fishy


      ^That's the first time I've ever done that, I know better than to act like the stupid society is today...

    4. T O lR T A

      T O lR T A

      Are you sure...


  16. A shadow of a man~ I am nothing less.

    1. EliteSniper


      But you're a wolf o.O

    2. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      song reference >:[

    3. EliteSniper


      I know, I'm just teasing you :P

  17. ok ok~ perfect troll moment~ a kid beats the slenderman game~ he brags to his friends~ "Slender got nothin on this" goes home he recieves an anonymous skype call and sees who it is leaning forward the head reveals itself to be slendermans head, but with a trollface painted on it like so :troll: [static] [kid gets pwned]

  18. Heaven's gates won't open for me~ With these broken wings I'm fallin~ And all I see~ Is you~ These city walls ain't got no love for me~ I'm on the ledge of the 18th story~ And all I scream~ For you~ Come please~ I'm callin~ And all I need from you~ Hurry~ I'm fallin~ Say it for me, say it to me and I'll leave this life behind me~ Say it if it's worth savin me~

  19. [shakes fur] Purple dyed wolfy~? o3o

  20. Ohai there~ :3 [fluffs tail]

    1. AnimalDenWinter


      Twitches ears ( welcome pack brother)

    2. Mr. Wolfy
  21. In memory of a fallen comrade~ Phoenix Radick 2001-2013

    1. highplainsdrifter


      My condolences to you and the rest of the Wolfys.

    2. AnimalDenWinter


      wolf ears down (sad)

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