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Mr. Wolfy

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Everything posted by Mr. Wolfy

  1. Going to be making music videos, commentaries, achievement walkthroughs, fail vids, and some cool series. Please subscribe on youtube for the upcoming coolness! :D~

    1. GermanShepherdD


      I will star in one of your silent films :3

    2. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      XDDDDD LOLOLOL hey u know u could get a part in one of the movies if u really did want? we r making a series

  2. Everyone plz watch deh music vid in my profile's "about me" section and comment if possible plz? 8D ty~

  3. as a sidenote some ppl might actually like to fly the vulture in campaign just to get that "ha ha u just got owned son" type feeling P.S. yay its my 81st post! my lucky spartan number :3
  4. i agree wit chur point about overkill of deh vultures and i wasnt saying the vultures were a ppl carrier i was simply pointing out the fact that the pelicans r generally noncombatant vehicles unless they have the missile pods mounted on the wings like in halo 3, so if a pelican was added it would simply be an epic transport and a really cool movie prop >:3 i am happy to see u wants deh pelican too however i must disagree on 32v32 only because then ppl would rarely see it and we all have been waiting for a long time to fly a legitamate pelican that people could climb inside of and walk around in~ just hoping we all live to see that day
  5. Why chu hate on deh pelican? D: It's like a big flying bus. Doesn't has overpowered missiles like deh vulture.
  6. Made my first music vid evah!!!! ZOMYGOSH!!! Go to my profile and watch it pleeeeeaasseeee! 8D and comment good or bad too if it's not too much trouble~

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