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Mr. Wolfy

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Everything posted by Mr. Wolfy

  1. The song in my profile needs to be turned into a halo music video with a lot of fade to black thingies in between deh beat and tons of splosions! >:o

  2. (eye twitching) why is everyone getting so dang reclusive lately?! SPEAK PEOPLE!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CandiBunni
    3. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      >.< u may has misstranslated that~ was intended to mean "dummy" in a non-insulting rib-poke type way o3o

    4. CandiBunni
  3. Posted on my book asking what everyone's thoughts were on me making a free version of this book to gain a fan base and only 2 people replied... oh well ;3 guess no one wants it 3

  4. for voice acting or do u mean for recording because im pretty sure we need an individual with a video audio capture to get the series we r planning on making sooner or later
  5. im tossin around the idea of givin this book to everyone on here once i complete it~ im hoping it will build a fan base who would be interested in future books id make and answering ur question directly yes U get ur copy once ive made it possibly everyone might get a free copy but there will be differences in content and cover depending on who it is such as the first 5 who jumped on get something special, u get the one with all of the chars, each of my clan members gets the version with just their character as the cover, etc etc soPost chur opinions ppl! looking for thoughts on the free copy thing~
  6. Just about to break, help me see the way! I'm shattering to pieces on the floor... Wait! It's all that i can take... and every single day, a part of my soul is fading... but now, by letting go somehow, unshackled and unbound, I'm calling out your name! I'm fading!!

  7. When the end is getting closer, and the earth has burned the sky! Now repent cause it's all over! Just let me die!

    1. Skys


      I am sorry. Nothing can burn me..I am Skys so the end is never nigh.

    2. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      =3= id post the song on here just cause u said that but the anime music video thingy it was on is...gorish

  8. the next person i interview gets one that beats both ^.~
  9. Not gonna be on here very often...

  10. I'm sorry. I never was the best at acting like all of the rest, and if I'm stuck in the past, recalling anything to make it last, we can pull through!

  11. castleminer z :L u dont list many choices btw...
  12. we r slowly taking over halo o,,o join the pack.... u know in ur heart we shall be victorious.... @w@ joinnn ussss....
  13. ran out of vote questions D: so new votes will have to be posted about instead of just hitting the little vote buttons Topic #4 "Open answer": What are your thoughts on books that start at the end? on a character monologuing and perhaps talking to the reader?
  14. 5/20/2013: IGNORE THIS POST~! whilst i am greatly touched by the fact that u all want to join this clan i must inform u that this clan is currently innactive for an unspecified ammount of time... we normally go through periods of "hibernation" as i refer to it but this one seems like it might be longer than usual and i hope we will be back eventually... until then i shall continue to work on the pack's book and u may add some of the individuals from the pack to your friendslist to get to know them if u wish (i cannot guarentee that they will accept as i do not speek for them on a personal level in this way) and i appologize for this problem but life has gotten a little rough on some of our members and we now have need of the money we spent on xbox related expenses and the time we spent playing various game types endlessly together >.< so now this has generally become a sign in point for the wolves still somewhat active and wishing to communicate with eachother...but i am happy to see our general clan ideals have been noticed by each of u and i would be happy to make u members of the pack, just be warned that the pack's future is uncertain and for now, not only r we greatly disorganized when we get the survivors of the clan together, but we r also hard pressed to even get online to get the clan together at all we tend to keep a large portion of the clan in touch however and opperate almost like a family with those who have fought beside eachother never forgetting the battles fought and time shared next to their fellow pack members may the flames of the pack be seen by halo players for years to come and thank u for ur support
  15. Dear agony! Just let go of me! Suffer slowly... Is this the way it's gotta be? Don't bury me, faceless enemy! I'm so sorry...is this the way it's gotta be? Dear agony...

  16. Temporarily has gold somehow...? O.o

    1. Complete Loser

      Complete Loser

      WTH are you on about you're green

  17. Wait! It's all that I can take, and every single day, a part of my soul is fading! but now by letting go somehow I'm shackled and I'm bound. I'm calling out your name! I'm fading! So save me from what I've become!

  18. Yes...well...i believe i shall start off by saying people call me Kaatisu, Kaat, Kitten, 81, Dae, and now apparently Wolfy- you all shall never learn my real name however. It is a closely guarded secret... NOWZ on to business, I am a strange individual who can be very strange and random (Cheesemonster is HOT [j/k I like to mess with her cause she gets all flustered and I find it kind of funny :3] though seriously she is cute though she seems to not believe so from her post on the yearbook thing >.<) <case in point. Moving on! I am a 20 year old dude who started playing halo at the age of 12. I was trained on halo ce at that time by a girl named Lucy. I love the halo storyline (except for the forerunner sections which i believe to be a very highly useless turn in the storyline but theyre here now so w/ez ). Anyway, some things that is important about me related to this website..? Well firstly, theres a lot of distasteful people here but such is life and theres a lot of cool people to make up for it. Secondly I consider myself a troll deterant, if a troll shows up i cant resist making them self-fail, it's just in my nature. Thirdly i am writing a book which i have given certain information out to certain peoples on here which caused the book to become more complicated and have more people than i originally intended (originally it was just about my clan) ^-^; the more the merrier? Fourthly i have a multipersonality issue people should be aware of, one side of me is completely friendly and loves to joke around but if i feel i am being somehow mistreated i tend to switch over to a little bit of a....second personality which is somewhat unstable... SO nextly i am currently single but there is a girl who matches my idea of the perfect chick ever *-* but she has a bf and because she is the perfect chick is ultra loyal to him even though he physically threatens her... (important to know about me is when it comes to girls: 1. i hate when they r down on themselves as seen above >.< makes me have to cheer them up :3 and 2. a guy physically threatening a girl and even more so a girl who he is together with is disgusting and makes me want to practice some of my jukado moves on the dudes face e,,o ALSO my favorites ish as follows: Color: Blue (though i like this shade of orange for typing...blue woudlnt work well with the blue background) Animal: Wolves duh! Food: chinese! Drink: Mtn Dew Blackout Game: Halo >.< Weather: Raining with indirect lighting from the clouds... Music: Breaking Benjamin! D:< I run a clan on halo which is composed of a group of very phsycho solo specialists who hate working together but do so anyway to bring an endless string of victories wherever we go @w@ our clan has been together for 2-3 years and has disbanded and reformed several times. We also opperate over on COD under the clan name "Bad Company Mercinaries." Generally we all also have achievement hunting in common and do so fanatically. Besides the halo book im writing im also writing a second book back in midevilish times and drawing artwork for BOTH books... It's extremely difficult to keep up, and to top it off I'm writing up a large script for a series my clan was supposed to do on Reach but we lack a video/audio recording device to achieve said thing... Our clan seems very media based... O.o I'm ultra busy lately with some school related stuffs to top it all off and I greatly lack funds to buy halo 4, a capture card, and a new 1 year subscription to xbl. So I'm out of business for a while... I do have media i saved and uploaded on here though before I became so involved in everything. Lots of very interesting pics and vids...Speaking of which halo is not the only game i became greatly involved in- i also played Mabinogi and Guild Wars prior to this. On mabinogi im a level 900 with a dozen or so pets and all black armor of dooooooom. On Guild Wars im a fully upgraded warrior with basically a ton of minipets and fully black primevil armor and destroyer gauntlets and such, very world-enderly-cool-badguyish type epic. Anywho yeah i have been on this site for a year or so and havent even reached purple yet which is kinda sad but at the same time just shows that i am keeping a good like/post ratio thingy. :3 Hmmm OOH and im an eclipse on reach with all the achieves in reach,halo 3, halo ce, all but 1 in halo wars, and all but 7 firefights in halo odst. Can't think of much else to describe myself... O.o guess i'll edit this if i think of anything :3
  19. Filthy animals take control! Hear us now! We're in charge! Wretches and kings we come for you!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Zaguroth


      Elites don't use nukes..



      He's right, we have much more powerful weapons than that.


    4. SykoWolf


      Throws kittens and baby rabbits at you. *uses cute power* XD

  20. I would like the assistance of the community to decide on the final name of my account please... >.<
  21. griffball?! this was not stated before... e.o somewhere around 280-300 in that case
  22. Going to be home alone for about a week...time to start tweekin the chapters of my book! >:]

    1. Eqwinoxe


      Cant wait to read it.

    2. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      cant wait to finish it but itsa take a long time cause now its been increased to where itsa be like 20-25+ chapters >.< this thing will hurt if u drop it on ur toes

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