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Mr. Wolfy

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Everything posted by Mr. Wolfy

  1. well ur signiture makes it pretty apparent why u didnt like it... <.< and nextly the campaign was very involving granted it may have needed more of those cool sections where u feel like "holy cow im standing here in the middle of this" like some of the other campaigns gave u but it still had a very nice campaign and yes the armor lock may have been annoying and ppl using the jetpack may have driven a lot of us batty because of their "OH MY GOSH I GOT SHOT RUN AWAAAYYYY" mentality and the hologram may have been very difficult to make any use of but this game was still very good by no means were any of those spartans III's O-O firstly the III's trained and opperated on Onyx not reach and secondly Halsey had absolutely no clue about them until she crashed on the shield world so by no means were the spartans on halo reach spartan III's just to dispell this common misconception which i have noticed ppl going around saying ok no offense but u seem to be trolling in ur previous posts...nextly the fact that ranks took no skill to acquire is not neccessarily a bad thing so wut if all the inheritors r bad at the game and u can kill em easy? just realize that theres ppl who spam for their ranks its the same on other games- like the 15 prestiges on blackops that go negative all the time yah know? besides its fun massacring someone whose a higher rank and the fact that its easier to rank up means easy access to those armors which r given by rank so dont be whining about it im sure u enjoyed the armor customization as much as everyone else did though im also sure ull post something raving about how u hated it extremely just play the game, shoot ppl in the face, have fun, make friends, and when u run into an inheritor who sux point and laugh as u blow them away easy-like and when u run into noobs who jetpack just side to side to annoy the crud outta em while they try to spray u cause a noob who has to jetpack away whenever they get shot is clearly going to be a poorly aiming noob who u had the element of suprise on
  2. e.o well i am now officially bored enough to shoot myself...so! time to go play some rainbow six solo since i dont have multiplayer capabilities on anything atm...

  3. Drawing S-081 @w@ looks epic so far...discussions with the top 5 follows is going well should have some good corrections made to the book and might come out with some small packets of info for other people...in other news i might be on xbox for a day, also i am restarting writing on the book, considering offering points of view from other characters once i get in contact with the people behind the character i feel uncomfortable with this at the moment because it would be like im impersonating...

    1. One


      Upload the pic when its done :D

  4. This thread has now been changed from a single vote to an endless list of votes which shall be added as I think of them. I want to draw some public opinion in on certain things, sometimes for fun or sometimes for personal use in certain situations. Please keep an eye out for new polls on this as they come. :3 Topic #3 "Razorback": What would you think if a vehicle was created in halo that was similar to a halftrack from WWII with a warthog-like front half and an APC-like back half that had an armored compartment for troops, a droppable ramp, and a machine gun turret where the passenger seat of the hog used to be? Epic! Cool. Interesting... Weird. Yuck! Topic #2 "GO GO GO!!!": Would you find a D-day style landing with pelicans in the halo series to be interesting to watch or fun to play? (1 like of this topic by Zuko 'Zarhamee) Yes. No. Topic #1 "A major conspiracy": It is of my opinion that the button "close door" on elevators is not actually even connected to any circuitry and is actually only there to relieve stress of people who are violently pushing the button because they are in a hurry and believe it will close the doors faster, but lets see what you think...Does the button close the doors? (1 like of this topic by Mr. Rookie556) Yes. No.
  5. A few things: add me on skype if u want, read my book on here and comment (if ur ok with gore), and ifu have a skills at voice acting join my super secret project on reach (once i get back on it >.



      Ill voice act for you and ya your book is boss!

  6. UPDATE: (To the first 5 people who followed this topic, excluding me)Please add me via skype (with a message notifying what your tag is on here so I know who is who) so that new information and further sneak peeks of sections of the book may be given and any ideas and opinions that you have may be recieved back. This will also assist in the recieving of your final copy of the book once it is completed. Thank you. :3
  7. to prove i am completely mental i must add my commentary to this firstly this whole mission when they were calling for ordinance on the cruisers i didnt realize those "shots" that were fired were spartan torpedoes.... next of all when they prepared to catapult that spartan all i could think of was the one spartan going "PREEPARE TO FIRE ZEE SPARTAN!!! FIRE ONE!!!" then as the bottom of the ship gets closer and closer on the screen and the epic battle music plays the spartan torpedo screaming random suicide-bomber-like giberish [screen backs out to a few miles away and the epic music cuts out real quick as u watch a small dot fly at the huge ship...u can still hear it screaming inane giberish][switches back to first person view as the torpedo nears his destination] [insane giberish gets more....insane...and giberishish] [hits the plating of the cruiser] [splatting sound, giberish stops, epic music stops] [camera goes back down to catapult] [3rd spartan gulps as the two spartans watch the second get splattered] first spartan: PREEPARE ZEE NEXT AMMUNITIONZ!!! D:<
  8. Johnson was breaking up emotionally cause at that point he was just tired of how many ppl were dying around him i believe he was at his mental limits at that exact moment he might have also been like an uncle to her or something cause he was friends with her father (Captain Keyes from halo 1) so he mighta been a family friend- combine that with the fact that she was his commanding officer for the whole covenant invasion so they might have grown a "fellow soldier" type attachment i doubt he and miranda had a "thing" though cause it just doesnt seem like something johnson would do...besides the fact he has that oni officer chick from Harvest O.o
  9. From the album: Files related to Kaatisu81

    more concept art (a bit gory)
  10. Mr. Wolfy


    From the album: Files related to Kaatisu81

    concept art for flamethrower marines
  11. From the album: Files related to Kaatisu81

    reach menu art
  12. From the album: Files related to Kaatisu81

    concept art
  13. From the album: Files related to Kaatisu81

    how mc rides down to earth
  14. From the album: Files related to Kaatisu81

    the whole red army shows up
  15. Correction to previous statement: i will be on RARELY

  16. the smiley is a blue smiley and it lasers a red smiley and then tbags him its not actually an emote on here but im trying to get it to be xD
  17. ^<<this is the image in question
  18. hmmm kk well first 5 ppl who follow (excluding myself due to the fact i alrdy have the whole book ;3 ) i think will be capable of recieving a copy which they will recieve via skype (or this page if i can find a way to input a word document into a pm on here (havent tried it yet so i dunno)) it will be a rediculously long multi-page word doccument (im hoping to apply pictures in a finished version but im not a good artist myself so no pics atm :3) as for the elite roles i will actually be needing a few more elite names for just some random elite minors and majors (u know the red and blue type?) send any elite names with the rank u would like your name applied for (keep in mind im writing the book though so ur name might not be used for the rank u want it to)
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