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Mr. Wolfy

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Everything posted by Mr. Wolfy

  1. You left a HOLE where my heart should be! Dx

  2. Mr. Wolfy


    From the album: Files related to Kaatisu81

    a random kitten thinking
  3. Mr. Wolfy


    From the album: Files related to Kaatisu81

    a random squirrel whos armed to protect his nuts
  4. Mr. Wolfy


    From the album: Files related to Kaatisu81

    me and my ex-gf as wolven characters o -o
  5. Embrace the darkness offered you in these flaming eyes...

    1. Zaguroth


      flaming eyes? you mean sauron? if so then i don't wanna.. he just wants the ring..

    2. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      =3=....look at the wolf in background of my profile

  6. while i appreciate ur opinion i must request u remove this and place it in the thread for ur own clan
  7. Has a British GF who loves halo and breaking benjamin yay! (her accent is adorably adorable)

  8. the planet in halo 4 is not necessarily the shield world...Halsey and the spartans were not attacked in the book u notice but it seems the inside of the planet in halo 4 is filled with those strange creatures...this appears to be something more ment to contain these creatures than a "shield world" so honestly anything could be inside this but it is my opinion that if the flood had been in this world with those creatures one of them would have wiped out the other most likely
  9. Btw it actually could have been for all u know cause it doesnt specify his number, rank, location, or anything on there so this could have actually been the chief at the time that halo wars took place
  10. Meh i dint name this one so go yell at the guy who took it
  11. ^<<(this guy has been inside bungies head for a while to realize this level of detail that they go through when they speak, nice point to make) :/ while it would be nice to have the flood back firstly i dont think it will happen just yet...also if they were going to be our allies 2 things would have to happen 1: they would have to have enough biomass built up into a gravemind to think for them 2: they would need to be horribly threatened enough to feel they HAD to ally with us...secondly i dont think the flood r inside the sphere thingy cause it would either be overrun with them or the enemies we saw in the trailer would have been killing them horribly until they were no longer existanti would love to see the flood come back because theyve been an absolutely wonderful enemy (flamethrower cannonfodder >: D) but firstly i dont think theyll be back just yet and i hope when they do come back it wont be as allies >:3
  12. i respect ur opinion and the fact that u have decided to post ur viewpoint in a public area realizing it would recieve criticism...however my standpoint on this matter is that clan v clanning is simply for the prideful to use the worst tactics they can just so they can demoralize the other clan after defeating them by use of dishonorable tacticsas for the "noob weapons" stance: rockets are included in maps to allow for removal of heavy vehicles which would otherwise not be easily killable...not for masively overkilling an enemy who is attempting to legitametly kill someone with a dmr or assault rifle but like i said this rule is not strongly enforced a lot of times one of our members get in a no win situation and r forced to use tactics which may not seem honorable to us simply to ensure that they do stay alive we do not condone killing oneself to follow the rules but we would PREFER if our people kept themselves from being completely noobish like i said the enemy walking by on foot is not a tank and thereby does not merit having anti-heavy being used on them
  13. by ur logic u havent even played Reach so how would u know anything about it being good or not?
  14. u couldnt burn me if i handed u a blow torch and told u which side the fire came out of...
  15. and everything ur saying is somehow not yes? i like how in ur previous comments u took on the personafication of "thousands of people" xD in case u cant tell im enjoying this attempted arguement now :3 i think ill play along with ur trolling for a bit
  16. xD thats the problem is i know im stating facts and that ur stating opinions
  17. u two clearly just arent getting it and just trying to keep a fight going while im just trying to clear ur confusion...no one will win in this situation so imma just let u both keep thinking u won this arguement cause im tired of telling u the basic facts while u keep spouting ur mlg brainwashing garbage so yeah...peace out troll boihs :3 btw zonemlg when u try to prove a point on papers in ur classes in the future the term "everyone knows that" is not actual research k?
  18. The Burning Wolves is a laid back clan with a varying number of members. Interestingly some days we have around 30-40 members and other days we only have 20 or even less. This clan began about 3-4 years ago and at one point had reached upwards of 50 members. We were greatly feared on Reach and sent people scrambling out of Big Team Battle lobbies. The clan is mostly social though sometimes we will rise to the occasion of being a competative clan.It also is an achievement hunters clan and a clan that is greatly interested in producing media. If you're looking for a clan that does a lot of clan v clan then this is definetly not the clan you're looking for. We avoid clan battles completely because, as one of our founding wolves stated, "1v1'ing is just stupid and pointless..." We do a lot of achievement hunting when we get enough people who want the achieves. We have been known to stack lobbies just to get achievements though you will sometimes get credit bans for doing so. We forge a lot and some of our members have a tendancy to visit custom games every so often (though we try to stay out of the custom lobby as much as possible). A large number of our members have almost all the halo series so we move around between halos a lot to do a wide variety of things. There is a ranking system that is strictly followed to keep a level of order in the clan. The ranking system basically is as follows: the clan alpha and the clan alpha female the squad leaders the squad members the clan pups (this is basically the newbs who havent gone through the training course for us to see where their skills lie..) The method to achieving new rank is mainly just to score high in all of the tests: driving, dmr range, sniper range, grenade range, driving range, flying course, and obstacle course. Depending on which course you recieve A's in you will have a path of rank opened up to you. The paths include: Rifleman, Grenadier, Vehicular expert, Pilot, Sniper specialist, Recon, Sabotage, and Spec Ops. (This is subject to change since some ranks have lost their potency on Halo 4 such as the pilot rank which no longer has a falcon to make use of on Halo 4) (Also we have not yet gained a training map on Halo 4 so most of the testing at the moment will be on Reach until we forge a testing site on Halo 4) A few generally implimented rules are as follows: UPDATE: NEW RULE AS OF 5/20/13, ALL MEMBERS MUST GET 800 ms (this can easily be done without paying for it by having our members recomend you twice for purchasing your gold membership back as you get 400 points for purchasing gold back when recomended) and change their GT to: "(insert first name aproved by a pack leader here) WoIfy" this will allow us to represent ourselves much better :3 and show we are a family not just a clan respect the pack (do not begin pointless arguements with fellow pack members and do not in any way harm, verbally abuse, or purposefully slight your fellow brothers and sisters in the pack)(respect the authority of the pack members who hold a higher rank than you (unless what they are requesting is something you feel is highly inappropriate or just plainly dishonorable for example being ordered to use yourself as cannon fodder is just not right...hopefully the clans officers who were picked because of their higher skill will realize they must not abuse their members this way but if you do feel missused bring any indescretions to me immediately and i will resolve the situation), this rule is strictly enforced to keep order: if you cannot respect your officers in this clan then regrettably you will be removed) do not bring shame to the pack (do not act in a way that might be deemed morally wrong: cursing freely at people in the lobby, whining about losses, generally making a nuisance of yourself to other players on the game) (this rule is not as strictly enforced as the others as we understand sometimes emotions will get the better of you) certain player content MUST be changed such as your clantag which will be changed to show that firstly you are a agent of the Burning Wolves and secondly what squad you belong to followed thirdly by your rank in that squad when we are playing competatively please attempt to keep your behaviors honorable by doing things like avoiding "noob" weapons (don't shoot a lone enemy with a rocket launcher, they aren't a tank), not smack talking enemies before a game carrying on how they're gonna lose (you don't know the future and honestly this will just make them try harder and make the possibilities of them actually losing decrease..), and don't smack talk a beaten enemy who does not first insult you (if an enemy loses honorably they should be treated honorably) (these rules are slightly bendable though seeing as obviously in the case someone is attacking you and it's you or them clearly we'd prefer you to live so if you absolutely must using noob weapons on someone is acceptable but we'd prefer to keep our tactics honorable) There are benefits to being in this clan the first of these obviously being the clean social interaction with other individuals who will keep their conversations to as much of a profesional level as possible (though a lot of our clan members have been known to crack "that's what she said", "your mom", and "bow chicka wow wow" jokes...). Some other benefits would be the assistance on achievements, assistance in multplayer, access to clan-only maps (we have several large and painstakingly designed forts and houses on Reach and we are about to begin doing so again on Halo 4), and official affiliation and the possibility of holding higher ranks in the future with the Burning Wolves. Another previously unmentioned benefit would be the possibility of being included in the book we are writing about our clan in the halo storyline (http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/10352-burning-wolves-book-halo-shades-of-grey/). We also have a custom signiture which will be personalized for each clan member and used on this website to identify your affiliation with the Burning Wolves and your rank and achievements. We are hoping to add certain medals for the clan in the future which will be applied to your signature as you earn them. Please reply below if you would like to speak to one of our members about joining and have a nice day.
  19. the game in general o -o it looks like they used a lot of the changes which i had put in the "wishlist for halo 4" or w/e thread...thingy... so yeah lots of cool changes def loving the look of the game thinkin its prolly gonna be the best one yet though the mlg guys ALL say its gonna suck
  20. that one is totally nasty achieve i got a few other ppl on my fl who need it though so if u still wanna go for it i can introduce u to dem? also ur right the sense of accomplishment is...er...was nice ....this is pretty much how i feel as well...minus the cursing...and actually hayabusa would have been epic...if it wasnt for the fact that hackers found the ring jumping sequence and then the sequence was posted and then EVERYONE knew it and then EVERYONE got hayabusa (though i cant complain too loudly cause i unlocked it for like 20 ppl...) <.< funny and somewhat fitting...but not so nice yeah tyrael they made it to were basically everyone,their second cousins, and great grandmothers gets recon if they just log on flaming armor u say? yes this much would be nice but sadly that is a bungie team exclusive and if bungie is still on halo 3 i doubt theyd like 343 giving away their stuff (though it seems giving away our stuff is ok... O.o) ..this would be absolutely gorgeous if they did give us something special in halo 4 but i highly doubt they will...they prolly wont even realize how much they hurt certain ppl who had shot their way out of a pile of dead covies who were clawing their way over their dead fellow covies to try to eat us alive, obliterate us with gravity hammers, and hug us with plasma grenades...for those of u who "endured" 343 will never know ur pain and im sorry to say but ur service to humanity in those dark uncertain 6-8 hour fights for dear life will be ignored simply for the political move of appeasing the newbs with free armor...an armor which used to mean u crawled through hell and back but now means simply that u have a halo disk
  21. this is clearly a waste of time to try to explain this to u but once more halo 3 was NOT friendly to casual gamers as u call them even on the "social slayer" things were rapid paced and chaotic with reach they made things more laid back and easy now im not sure why ud say that reach ruined the competitive part because from my standpoint ppl r still playing VERY competatively on reach (like the tryhards who spam banshees for kills in big team on objective based games) and lastly just because mlg doesnt agree with a halo doesnt mean its not a good game and wont be a success sorry to tell yah
  22. firstly no i will not be quiet and id like to see u make me nextly where r u getting ur numbers cause i see no statistics with u about how many players were on each game and thirdly the only players halo 3's ranking system keeps coming back r u mlg boys who think u apparently count for thousands of players cause u keep saying thousands more ppl played halo 3 than reach which is just untrue and if ur gonna post a comment make sure u keep it on a professional level from now on and stop with the personal attacks and trolling bro cause ur lil comment of saying i "dont know a thing about halo" is untrue...theres at least one person i know that i beat in halo knowledge and thats u :3
  23. Mr. Wolfy

    Vitamin PWN

    From the album: Files related to Kaatisu81

    this is apparently what Vitamin Pwn looks like right before he attacks spammers...so yeah if u dont wanna be attacked by a savage viking dont spam on here...
  24. ur demonstration there at the end has what most teachers would call flawed research u use reach's CURRENT numbers against numbers pulled from an unspecified time on halo 3 also as a competitive player u should realize halo has been a game for the general public not just for the "competative gamers" (who should just call themselves mlg's and be done with it) nextly reach is still a relatively new game its only been out for like...3 years and people r still quite content to play it u shouldnt assume just because ur done with it means it died just like the mlg still worships halo 3 clearly halo 3 hasnt died because of them all still playing it and the reason u were running into ppl who were either trashing u or being trashed by u as u put it is because reach was meant to be and is a game for the general public competative and non-competative alike thats why they added the search options to look for talkative friendly non-competative players or roudy nasty competative players
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