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Mr. Wolfy

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Everything posted by Mr. Wolfy

  1. A worry I am sure we can all agree with.
  2. She also went to kiss chief~ so are we about to suggest she had relations with a dude she raised from 6~? O -o (on a side note nice profile pic o3o)
  3. Now this I KNOW isn't true because Halsey was suposedly captured AFTER Reach... Jun was killed and the ship she was on didn't make it out of the system.
  4. Well one of you could be the bigger man and not return the cutdowns you recieve thereby increasing the civility of this arguement 1000x...
  5. They did release the trailer a bit early unless they were working on this beforehand, and we don't have evidence of if they worked on it beforehand or not. So both sides kinda have a chance to be right... So perhaps we can settle this over a cupcake eating contest~? ∩( ・ω・)∩ Let's not degrade this situation more please... v-v;
  6. O -o The guy is discussing a somewhat legitamate fear, and you posted your opinion to the contrary. He isn't trolling... It's just we have to wait to see if his fear is realized or your dream comes true...
  7. These are good points... o3o Cantchu both make up and be buds~?
  8. [shakes fur] Purple dyed wolfy~? o3o

  9. He's just saying that if they are already announcing it, clearly they have intentions of releasing it within a year or two which is clearly not very long for development unless they are working on it beforehand...I mean its a legitamate point... O -o I myself wasn't expecting a Halo trailer for another year or so...
  10. Agreed..... =3= [circles the giant wrapped present sniffing cautiously]
  11. So...we're going to a tomb... and fighting possessed-by-ghosts ginormous machines along the way... Lovely...a nice vacation for Chief. Nice sandy beach, ginormous robotic birdies, tombs of evil...what more could a spartan ask for. Heck~ he even got Obiwan to lend his robe for this adventure.
  12. Skeptical... the last time I clicked to buy something from marketplace, I ended up with a $20 bill before I even saw an option to use points or just cash... and if it's a mistake what happens when they fix the "mistake" don't tell anyone and people start buying it for real...And isn't fable 3 the one with the shadowy creatures of nom nomness~? I think I already have this one...
  13. Chu can't buy destiny~ it is chosen for you~ and such is the path we must all walk. v~v (Sorry saw the title and had to...) And I will agree with the last thing you say there Zebra because I say we all rebel against the xbox one personally. D:<
  14. OOOH I HAVE AN IDEA~!! <.< Apparently not an original one... [puts fireworks back] Hmmm....[plots an airplane course over the compound...] In that case curiosity killed like 50% of the Covenant. >:3 Gotta love grunts yah know, you ship em a bomb and they hand the detonator to a fixit "drone" which doesn't know any better... Heheh...no... I spent like 3 weeks messaging her and two other individuals on xbox and several various social networks. NOTHING. Not even a friggin copy pasted note. They don't have the time for us little people. It's the way the world works. .3.
  15. Your title makes me snicker~ but anyway~ it is my belief that they will spend a moderate ammount of time developing this if they learned anything from the last one hopefully they will put a bit more care into this one. :3 Ultimately, what we get is what we get though. If they fail this time it will prolly be the last time they get to try too...
  16. >.> if i had been in this first edict i would make is the creation of international pickle planting day~ must get a large dill pickle, walk into each of u backyards, and plant it in the ground~ facing up to the sky~ dont ask me why .3. i havent thought that far ahead btw why doesit say "USF" presidential election~? O -o this stands for wut~?
  17. Thanks chu~ I just wish I knew if the people who originally followed it still cared anymore or didn't like the directions I been taking it or something. Seems for a while i was posting new segments and no one was responding or liking or even talking about it. So ty for your input~
  18. I'd have to go with the time my spec ops squad leader was gunning a falcon, and I was piloting. We got a roadhog medal and a guy shot a pair of locked rockets at us. The first I dodged and it sploded elsewhere, the second flew right at me, and I knew I was done for. Then I watched as the rocket went THROUGH the falcon, heard my squad leader screaming, rewatched it in theater, and the rocket had gone THROUGH his gutt and out the other side of the middle of the falcon...no detonation. We went on to gun down another 6-7 of their team before we got stuck by blueberries at near point blank range. Allow me to ammend this~ my GREATEST moment I just realized was when my team was being spawn camped on spire by both our falcon and theirs AND the banshee. I climbed spire, jumped off, landed on the blades of oneof the falcons, walked up its back to the cockpit as I listened to the pilot screaming "A MAN JUST JUMPED ON MY ****ING ROOF~!! ****~!!! ****~!!!!!!!" He rolled the craft all over but I jacked his gunner out and turned the gun on that banshee, as the pilot of the craft whose gun I had just jacked lunged out midair and fell several hundred feet screaming random things in terror.
  19. But if it helps~ I do solve problems... Just less cleanly.
  20. Intrueging but I can honestly say this was not my intention~ :3 The name was spawned by the fact I lead the Burning Wolves, of whom I'm writing a very intricate Halo fanfic.
  21. THIS EXPLAINS WHY THEY WANTED MMORPG PEOPLE~!!! Oh em gee~!! It ALL fits~! Halo 5 is freeroam with no UNSC backup and a mission to revive Cortana~!
  22. [turns to Kenobi] Force push this... [rocket] (heh yeah~ Starwars, Matrix, and Halo all in one~ beat that reference if u can~)
  23. WHOA WHOA WHOA~!!! IDEA~! (read the last part of the above post) UNSC declares Halsey rogue~ Chief gets pissed since shes the only connection to his past and his "mother," and goes on a bit of a hunting trip for the terrorist elite. Only he doesn't realize Halsey is now evil. This explains why he is alone, not armed, and his armor is highly uncared for. The robe is for an added outcast-look~ !!!!!!!!~ Furthermore he glances at Cortana's chip~!!! This perhaps is a reference meaning he intends to have Halsey bring back Cortana~?!
  24. Obiwan's garage sale~ or he killed that dude from Destiny with his bare hands...
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