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Everything posted by Leonidas

  1. Dude I was thinking the same thing haha. Yeah if they made it somehow with not much lag. I would nerdgasm.
  2. You my good sir, get +1 internets. Those are some great ideas. I really hope they have the elephant in Halo 4.
  3. Leonidas

    Halo 4 leaks

    Please, please, please don't let that be true....I'm sorry but if that was Halo 4..Thats just not Halo. They do realize theres still covenant left right? All they've done is kill their leader. They still have the rest of the brutes and whatevers following them left. It just wouldnt feel like Halo if we're not killing covenant. I really wish they wouldn't have continued chiefs story. It had a good ending as it was. And seriously? Halo 4,5, AND 6? Thats just too much. Why not tell stories about the war? Theres so much we havent seen. Or continue Halo Wars? What about that cliff hanger? ODST 2 (With a different squad.)? I would love to see both of those. How bout the other 20 years of the war we have seen hardly anything of?
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