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Posts posted by 2pacalypse

  1. The United Nations clan is a military based clan that does its best to presevre peace between the clans of Halo Reach. I am Dakota5324, a Captain of the United Nations Navy, high ranking officer, and leader of an advanced squad of naval members. I do what I do because it allows me to interact with others and possibly help them with anything they may need. I find clans a great way to teach others how to act in society and make friends. I know you might be thinking "What a loser"... I don't care, it works. However, if you think you can stand among the proud members of the United Nations, please post your gamertag in this forum and you will be contacted over Xbox Live.


    *Note: You MUST be at least 13 years old or a mature 12 and you MUST have a working headset or you may not be able to qualify. Thank you.


    This is Propganda YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!! :thumbdown:

  2. Even though 343 Studios are former Bungie (the ones that stayed loyal!)im still worried they arn't even fully staffed yet and they're deveolping games and on top of that the only major Bungie that stayed is Frank O'conner is anyone else nervouse?If Halo 4 f*cks up then the whole series is down the drain and that idea seems more likely to happen every day.

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