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  1. Your the little moron than dropped a bomb on everyone else with your "know it all" little attitude. Better to be just a troll than a complete ahole! Maybe it's time to get out of mom's basement and see the sun light. Might help you shed some of that genius of yours on the rest of idiots! Oh.....but you already knew that too! I thank you for showing me that I can't be the biggest turd in the can so long as you open your mouth! And working at McDonald's selling Big Macs isn't really much retail knowledge....unless, "would you fries and drink with that?" qualifies you as an expert!
  2. Thanks for sharing this, hopefully it's true, too bad we are even discussing it but I'll take a remedy over silence any day! Just as an FYI you know it all putz! I'm well over 25 and yes it's "peanuts" to manufacture a disk. From what 343 published there is already a spot for the disk/case in the collectors addition so there is no "added" costs. And games are price pointed, all retailers can do at release time is give bonuses for purchasing they can't raise or lower the price within a price point on there own.But then what do I know....you're by far the smartest guy in the room.........just ask you!
  3. I really don't give two craps as to what the reasoning behind not including a hard copy of the game is! The point is that for 250.00 burning me a copy of the game and adding to the collectors addition is peanuts. This is about the future, they want you to get ready for the same price points for games but they have less overhead to deal with. Just need a master copy on the server and you can take care of everyone, burning a hard copy is a one for one deal. Don't really care about the week early crap either, so what?! And no I'm not paying 250.00 for a statue, I'm paying 250.00 for a game that comes with a statue, the game is the purchase, the statue is the perk. So give me what I'm paying for you cheap skates, you've been making a killing off this franchise for a pretty long time now and giving me a 5.00 disk isn't too much to ask for over 10 years of loyalty to the franchise. Already voiced my concerns with MS over the deal and they said to contact 343 if I wanted a hard copy. I shouldn't even need to ask!
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