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Everything posted by PureNomad

  1. Hologram should have the players title, currently it usually only fools one player in dozens of games. Camo I like how it only works proper during slow or no movement, can be used as a good aid while sniping, would like to see it make you fully radar invisible. Lockdown Love the ability during warthog collisions, but should be nerfed a little to one use per spawn or at least increase its cooldown, just gets overly spammed usually from grenade abusers during smaller maps. They should have included an item that can break it or maybe have added a weak area on the players back. Jet Pack I rarely pick it other than to reach better sniping area's or to get up & down spire quicker. Again I'd like a cooldown increase. Drop Shield I only ever pick during big team and invasion games to survive possible flight & distance attacks, though seems useless Evade only real flaw is should have a Spartan/Noble counterpart and not be exclusive to Elites Sprint I do think it greatly improved the pace of the game, especially when you've spawned in an area no enemies are around. I'd be happy to see more playlist's that make this the only AA.
  2. I rarely do it myself unless I've pulled off something special like a distant sticky throw, and I don't mind if it's done towards me by someone who has killed me with skill. Not those douches who spotted you at the right time while you had been fighting someone else and got lucky. Nothing funnier than when the bagger gets killed while crouching on your corpse just one of those many moments while playing Halo that makes you lol.
  3. I'd imagine its just too soon to carry a beta during its initial shipments, 4 is still a good 10 months away after CE:A comes out. I'd suspect the beta when it does come will be released in conjunction with Waypoint closer towards the time, maybe unlocking as you've built enough Halo points on it and proved you've been following the franchise.
  4. This thread will be a torment for the AA's hater's, I'm on the fence with them myself if they're not spammed every showdown (maybe even increase their cooldowns, then they can be fun, who knows maybe even nerf them so you could only use an AA once per player life). Off and putting a title on your hologram would be an improvement as well as its currently pretty useless and only works 1 time in about 50 uses. I did once make a tongue-in-cheek comment on another board I'd have liked to see World Of Warcraft's LOK teleport become an AA, would really confuse players that. But its very hard for old time Halo players to warm to any change in classic gameplay style so 343 would need to be careful and really need to feature much more vanilla playlist's.
  5. Be interesting for team infection reasons to include Flood for multiplayer, I just hope when it comes to the campaign they don't ever make us play a map as torturous as Cortana was on legendary, I hated every second of it ugly map which felt near impossible at times, it didn't help you seemed to do better if you speed ran it instead of taking out the AI.
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