Hologram should have the players title, currently it usually only fools one player in dozens of games.
Camo I like how it only works proper during slow or no movement, can be used as a good aid while sniping, would like to see it make you fully radar invisible.
Lockdown Love the ability during warthog collisions, but should be nerfed a little to one use per spawn or at least increase its cooldown, just gets overly spammed usually from grenade abusers during smaller maps. They should have included an item that can break it or maybe have added a weak area on the players back.
Jet Pack I rarely pick it other than to reach better sniping area's or to get up & down spire quicker. Again I'd like a cooldown increase.
Drop Shield I only ever pick during big team and invasion games to survive possible flight & distance attacks, though seems useless
Evade only real flaw is should have a Spartan/Noble counterpart and not be exclusive to Elites
Sprint I do think it greatly improved the pace of the game, especially when you've spawned in an area no enemies are around. I'd be happy to see more playlist's that make this the only AA.