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Everything posted by imakequilts

  1. That is the way they have it set up. Yes you need reach to play the reach playlist.
  2. Yes CEA only has the Anniversary playlist. The download added the maps to REACH.
  3. If you put your reach disk in you will have all the Reach playlist along with the Anniversary one. Reach Maps are not included on the CEA disk so you can't play them from CEA but with the download you can play the Anniversary maps with your Reach disk.
  4. Was playing online multiplayer on new maps today and I reached my Offline Credit limit. This did not make any sense to me? What are your thoughts? Is it just a glitch or something in the way they are doing the credits for CEA maps?
  5. 1. Sergeant Major Avery Junior Johnson 2. Mjolnir 3. 10 4. Chief Franklin Mendez 5. Rebecca 6. Tehl 'Vadam 7. Samual s-034 8. Apache N4SIR He said: . "I thought I'd be the one turning off the lights but that was done for me. Good night everyone, My Elite needs a rest." 9. Daisy 10.Captain James Gregory Cutter 11. Gage Yevgenny 12. Motorcycles 13. Kurt 051 14. Avery Junior Johnson 15. Soren- 066 16. Seeker of Truth Thel 'Vandam 17.Borens Syndrome Exposure to Radiation 18.Cassandra-075 19.M6D 20.UNSC charon-class light frigate 21.Never Forget from Halo 2 22.Master Chief John 117, Arbiter Thel "Vandam 23.ilovebees.com 24. www.343industries.org
  6. Had a great time tonight on Halo 3. I enjoyed it and look forward to the next time we can get together.
  7. My list is: Halo 3 Halo 3 ODST Reach Blur Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 2 Call of Duty Black Ops Modern Warfare 3 Hexic HD Pac-Man, Uno and few other arcade games Rock Band 2 DDR/DS Universe My children have several more that I have never played. We keep all games that we buy, We never have sold one back because someone in the family will play it.
  8. I agree. Halo 3 was just plain fun even for those of us who really could not play very well. The social aspect is the only reason I play. I like to do well in the game and in Reach I "feel" it when I can't get kills. That rarely happened in Halo 3 but it is the norm in Reach. I don't think it is that gamers are less social. I am the same person no matter which game I play. Something in the game makes me feel that way. Whatever it is is in the way the game play works. Have seen it in my friends that left halo 3 for Reach and for those that left for modern warfare/black ops. When these SAME people come back to Halo 3 they are relaxed and having fun. It felt to me that Reach tried to capture a quality of gameplay that modern warfare had. They succeeded in the feel and to me that is what ruined the game. My friends that left to go play the modern warfare games refuse to play reach so they did not really convert them back into the game. Social is not social any more. I really would not still be buying a microsoft xbox membership if it were not for the friends I made on Halo 3. I'm pretty sure I have not made more than a couple of friends on Reach.
  9. Hey Dog I see some really good possibilities in here, not sure I like all of them. Definitely like the idea of earning your rank over the current system in Reach of credits.
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