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Sl Loboz

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Everything posted by Sl Loboz

  1. Leader rushes were never that bad (well pretty bad early on when people didn't know how to counter em and before patches). Warthog and brute rushes were really great, but to win consistently you'd have to know how to transition afterwards. And yep I remember you Chains and hey jelly bean how've you been? good to hear that a small pocket of the old players are still around. I'd jump on but I don't have gold anymore. Man was about to get a PS4 cause of bloodborne, but I'll have to reconsider now
  2. Decided to make a separate topic, instead of piggybacking on the trailer post but can't delete that one. I used to be pretty competitive years ago, just wondering who thinks they'll come back?
  3. So how many people who played Halo wars plan on coming back for the sequel? I probably will if I have the time
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