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Everything posted by Spartiner5

  1. Interesting and first off sorry about the sexual reference, any who in the end I probably won't get to into this topic anymore seeing that I have some reference and very helpful points. But in the end the quote reworded with the "my" in it just make you think about your past, present, and future.That was the reason why I made all this philosophical hullabaloo about the quote. But overall, that quote was a very,very nice touch in that trailer. Made me hyped about anniversary (even though I don't have console anymore and can't play it, Halo 2 was the first console game I ever played, second favorite in the series where'as Halo 3 was first, and last I was able to watch gameplay of the campagin. And I was very satisfied with the changes). Anyways thanks for everyone for the help on this.
  2. Thank you very much. This quote though just gives that feely felling that feels so feely. And its a damn good feeling.
  3. I've been into philosophical quotes for some time and I was re-watching the Halo 2 Anniversary trailer. Once I saw the quote at the end given by the Arbiter: "The seeds of our future are sown in his past." It got me wondering. Now I've been very confused on the whole plagiarism and citing crap and I don't want to get in trouble. But is it possible to take the quote and reword it like this: "The seeds of my future, are sown in my past" as my own. Please help me out on this. Too many headaches on this topic anyway. I would honestly just create a whole new quote (eventually I will), but this quote just touched me, not the sexual rapist way but the philosophical way. And no i'm not stupid about this, just to damn confused.... and sorta lazy.
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