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Michael Stoffelen

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Everything posted by Michael Stoffelen

  1. Would you like a taste of what it feels like to be in your favourite Halo Armor? Most people would say yes, but few people have it in their possession considered that purchasing one from the shops is an expensive option which leaves you almost broke. If you still want to show up at the next Halloween party in this unique and intimidating costume, there is an easy way out; make your own! Sounds like fantasy? It does not have to because you can now take advantage of a fully instructional guide which provides you with all the information you need to make that suit you so much yearn for. What is more impressive is that the suit you make from your own craftsmanship looks like a replica of the real Master Chief suit complete with all add-ons. If you opt to use this guide, it take you anywhere from one week depending on how much time you spend daily. The guide also outlays a clear list of all the materials you need and just to make sure it will be easy for you, all of these materials can be found at your local store.
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