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Everything posted by vuduthmb

  1. Drizzy, lots of people enjoy a good, chaotic round of FFA. But I did not know Warzone Firefight was coming. Awesome! I'm going to go research that now. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. Under Xbox Live's Detailed Network statistics, for my xbox one: Download speed- 168.35 Mbps Upload speed- 11.66 Mbps Packet loss- 0% MTU - 1480 Latency- 35 ms If anyone is able to at least tell me what is going on, I would appreciate it. I have no problem connecting to other games. I can occasionally get a Slayer match in Halo 5, but it takes a long time. Thank you.
  3. Five months after release date of Halo 5, and I can't find a FFA match due to lack of community support. I live in the San Francisco Bay area, not Outer Mongolia. I can't play Firefight or Spartan Ops or some type of Horde mode or PvE, because the developers decided to save a bunch of money by not including this. Warzone is not PvE. Does not bode well for the Halo franchise. Save it by including true PvE in DLC. Quickly, please.
  4. Halo 5 desperately needs a PvE mode similar to Firefight or Spartan Ops, that can be played solo. All the other good stuff (BO3) has something similar. War Zone as is does not cut it. I am standing in line to plunk my money down. Halo 5 is the best looking game on the Xbox one. Plays sweet too. Thank you.
  5. For one reason or another, we need this in Halo 5. I find multiplayer exhausting. I am too old and slow. I love playing Firefight or Spartan Ops solo. Oh, I will occasionally jump into online multiplayer, but please have mercy. Give us an option to play some kind of simple PvE type game mode solo. I promise to check out Warzone. Thank you.
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