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Everything posted by Destyran

  1. True skill is owned by microsoft and so (unless 343 creates a new ranking formula) it will not change meaning the newer the account the easier it is were just going to continue exploiting the same old flaws from halo 3 and this is the exact reason i doubt here will be trueskill
  2. OMG!!!!! dont listen to me im making no sense! Sorry to tired lol
  3. not no i mean resetting the less herd of stats like efectiveness and stuff how else are woulr they implement true skill if they reset the minor stats like that it would be like playing H3 for your first time starting with a 30highest skill if you know what i mean
  4. but thats exactly what it is a number next to your name if they do bring out true skill ranks it will be so easy to get a 50
  5. i some how double posted confusing
  6. i mean if due to its flaws you can make a new account and get to a 45 be for the old account thats a 40 can get to 45 due to said flaws im sorry i really cant be bothered explaining im on a ****ty phone and would like to avoid goingin to detail but i hope ypu know what im getting at..
  7. certainly ill add you and message you when im on next i really need to sleep lol
  8. ive never had a 50 because im australian and dont know how to bridge host you really notice the lag when you start on the higher skill games
  9. i mean if due to its flaws you can make a new account and get to a 45 be for the old account thats a 40 can get to 45 due to said flaws im sorry i really cant be bothered explaining im on a ****ty phone and would like to avoid goingin to detail but i hope ypu know what im getting at..
  10. because if you think about it the trueskill system is flawed too, and they didnt get rid of it on H3 so why remove bloom?
  11. still why cant they fix it its better than the sigma and mu equation for true skill
  12. If trueskill is introduced and bloom is removed will it be nessesary to reset stats or will they just remove all competitive and create social and ranked playlists.........
  13. if they take it out they will wreck reach they've had bloom all the way with out it, it will effect every aspect of competitive and no one will play for fun but thats just my opinion what i dont under stand is the difference of bloom and without it i find bloom more fun
  14. if they take it out they will wreck reach they've had bloom all the way with out it, it will effect every aspect of competitive and no one will play for fun but thats just my opinion what i dont under stand is the difference of bloom and without it i find bloom more fun
  15. and i know true skill is in reach i meant the true skill ranks
  16. im not saying your noobs im just saying the DMR is extremly precise already. Spaming it is its fixed rate of fire is not itsoptimal rate of fire when you pace they are extremly accurate bhen you spam it tends to do the random stray bullet thing from the br. And with the snipe its to avoid quick double shotting
  17. ok so the br has a fixed firing rate but if you notice a bullet will mis fire in a burst of three on an occasional clip adding some randomness to the outcome the br is a deadly precise weapon at it maximum rate of fire. Ok so now we have thedmr has bloom but still hasa fixed firing rate but is a medium to long range weapon unlike br medium to close ok so naw picture the supreme accuracy of the DMR without bloom it will be a monster now lets take us skilled players who will destroy lesser skilled players which equals lesser skilled players giving up on reach leaving extremly competitive players like us therefore ruining halo and i meant the other post in general not just directted at you i also apologies for the one directed at you....
  18. ok now the posts are all timed wrong im on my phone so lets start again from this post,........
  19. If bloom is removed they might aswell just bring back true skill increase jump height just to attract the remaining H3 population over to reach
  20. sorry i over reacted a little there........ But who cares if you dont want bloom dont play reach. Exactly how would it make the game better? They put in bloom and took out trueskill ranking to give every one a equal opportunity at being the high rank and occaisionally win a duel against a better skilled player. They wanted a more community driven game not a hardcore gaming community driven on true skill and leader boards if you hate it that much it must really affect your 'so called skill' so grow a pair and adapt thats what every one else has done if you cant then go take that imaginary skill you will obtain from bloom being removed and go sign up for MLG since your such a pro!
  21. @ Fury Defined They put bloom in for a reason and if that rumor about toggle bloom is true then no one will have bloom but one of the reasons its in the game is to stop trigger spamming br whoreslike you
  22. 1) DON'T spam that DMR pace your shots, Try spamming the first three shots then pacing the last two. Why the last two you say because if you pace the last two it ensures their sheilds pop and you get a clear headshot . 2) For those people who just can't stop spamming, make sure you set your controller to hold to crouch then just spam the first three or four shots then crouch which fixes the bloom and get that head shot! So give that a try and if it still doesen't work, Try lowering your sensitivity your reaction time may be a little slow. So for both methods you can spam the first three or for shot then pace or crouch for the fith. 1:Shot 2:Shot 3:shot 4:Shot(sheilds pop) 5:shot(headshot)
  23. All Armour abilities need to return to MM *cough* dropsheild. No more stupid remakes of maps like "uncaged" or "arena zealot" i liked them the way they were. Fix pinnacle blue spawns again, you only changed it to global spawn wich meansthey can spawn behind you, soft kill barriers need to be updated on "renegade" "abriged" "trident" "boardwalk(infection only)" "enclosed". Bring back Scoreattack gruntpocalypse on corvette it used to be a fav for a reason now its harded to come by than diamonds.fix invasion slayer have two territories instead of one, one for each a covenant drop and a spartan drop so its fair for elites. Fix drops zone behind spartan base on hemmorage. Put a delay on banshees backflip ive seen people constantly backflip making it impossible to hit. Fix revenant passenger auto-aim im sick of people getting "be the bullet's" as a passenger, the warthog rolls to easyly when traviling from mediem to fast speeds. On the highlands map consider removing some power weapons there are way too many. And remove "mt lam lam" its a rediculous map and spawns are too confusing. Infection: when you get a bulltrue it means you dont die not the zombie kills you and when you infest someone it shouldn't be a betrayal speaking of you should be able to boot betrayers after this is fixed. Move plasma-launcher on hemmorage to a more equal place its too close to blue base. no more one sided objectives in big team everyone prefers netrual objectives one sided are wasts of space. Make stock pile available in team objective again and apear more in SWAT and big team some people are having trouble with acheivements(not me lol). Bring safe havens back to infection. I cant think of everything rite now. I will eventually sort this list into playlists fixes and map fixes and into the different game types, them i will post it as the official reach fixes thread after i have collected other bugs and (resonable) fixes and changes. And no it will not include 1-50 true skill return i highley doubt it it will thanks
  24. @ Spectral Jester how campaign coming and i doubt theres gunna be any significant changes to halo reach maybe new armour but apart from that nothing
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