All Armour abilities need to return to MM *cough* dropsheild. No more stupid remakes of maps like "uncaged" or "arena zealot" i liked them the way they were. Fix pinnacle blue spawns again, you only changed it to global spawn wich meansthey can spawn behind you, soft kill barriers need to be updated on "renegade" "abriged" "trident" "boardwalk(infection only)" "enclosed". Bring back Scoreattack gruntpocalypse on corvette it used to be a fav for a reason now its harded to come by than diamonds.fix invasion slayer have two territories instead of one, one for each a covenant drop and a spartan drop so its fair for elites. Fix drops zone behind spartan base on hemmorage. Put a delay on banshees backflip ive seen people constantly backflip making it impossible to hit. Fix revenant passenger auto-aim im sick of people getting "be the bullet's" as a passenger, the warthog rolls to easyly when traviling from mediem to fast speeds. On the highlands map consider removing some power weapons there are way too many. And remove "mt lam lam" its a rediculous map and spawns are too confusing. Infection: when you get a bulltrue it means you dont die not the zombie kills you and when you infest someone it shouldn't be a betrayal speaking of you should be able to boot betrayers after this is fixed. Move plasma-launcher on hemmorage to a more equal place its too close to blue base. no more one sided objectives in big team everyone prefers netrual objectives one sided are wasts of space. Make stock pile available in team objective again and apear more in SWAT and big team some people are having trouble with acheivements(not me lol). Bring safe havens back to infection.
I cant think of everything rite now.
I will eventually sort this list into playlists fixes and map fixes and into the different game types, them i will post it as the official reach fixes thread after i have collected other bugs and (resonable) fixes and changes. And no it will not include 1-50 true skill return i highley doubt it it will