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Kurt S-501

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Everything posted by Kurt S-501

  1. Sooo... The hobbit is pretty amazing

    1. SykoWolf


      OMg i know right?!

  2. Darn it YouTube, stop changing your site! I just got used to the old one

    1. DoctorB77


      They really do need to stop -_-

  3. Just hit 300 hours in skyrim and still loving it

  4. Sooo... I have 5 Plannetside 2 beta keys. Message me if you want one. :)

  5. UGH! I wish i could afford Halo 4 right now...

  6. little bit too late for new ideas, but maybe next game.
  7. Dang. Is this only xbox or is it across all platforms?
  8. I'm really loving this series. The CGI is great and the acting is pretty good. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it's been.
  9. Wow. Remember how my gym coach was discovered to be a pedophile. Well, we just found out that my principle is too.

  10. I usually forge alone. I find that you have a sense of accomplishment when finished. Of course, it's useful to have someone else around to do all the boring stuff.
  11. Wow. I have a ethernet cable and a wifi stick plugged in and i get 1.6kb/s download. *facepalm*

  12. Welcome to the forums! Awesome username by the way!
  13. Skyrim belongs to the nords!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr. Wolfy

      Mr. Wolfy

      [invades with an army of his wolvens] prepare for chaos puny mortals! [roaring growl as his pack charges]

    3. Minuette


      *laughs as they pass hidden futuristic mines and they all blow up*

    4. Sikslik7


      Dude,Ulfric had control of Skyrim at one point andhe lost it. He failed, it belongs to the Empire!

  14. Happy Birthday, Dude!

  15. that's called the cript. it's awesome!
  16. wow. Nice job! I attempted helms deep once but gave up after starting the wall. Awesome job!
  17. :D I finally got my computer up and running with windows 8! And i can max out every game i have!
  18. I've also had a lot of issues with forge. I've lost maps, or when i chose one map, it loads another.
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