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Kurt S-501

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Everything posted by Kurt S-501

  1. Soooo... I just found out my gym teacher is a pedophile. Weird.

    1. One


      I had the same thing happen but it was a cover teacher in training. The big rule was that he was never to be spoken of again.

    2. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      Yeah, he got arrested at school yesterday so i dont think that'll happen for a while.

    3. Zaguroth


      I had one of those in my high school.. I think it was the cosmetics class or something like that.

  2. Soooo... I built a computer a couple weeks ago, and can't use it. :( My dad thought he could get windows 7 for cheap through his company but he was thinking of microsoft office.... Ugh...

    1. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      You built it for nothing?! Over Steam you had me excited! Oh man..that sucks.

    2. King of Winter

      King of Winter

      Do you have any other computers available? you can just torrent it then burn it onto a CD then "Remove WAT" and you'll be good. If you don't have any CD's you can just make a bootable USB with windows 7 on it.

    3. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      Rapid, I can just get windows 7 on there. ut it's not cheap. I might just torret it


  3. I make this status update from my new computer!

  4. Ugh... I just got a bunch of computer parts, can when i open it all up, the power supply doesn't fit. -_-

    1. Kurt S-501
    2. DaveAtStateFarm


      tough titties dude, what are you planning to do now?

  5. there should be an award for whoever makes the lucky shout!
  6. Lol. I haven't gotten it yet because my computer can barely run it as it is. ANd i don't want to speand a further $20 on somthing that'll glitch out, have horrible graphics, 10 FPS, and might not even work.
  7. Wow. I do not believe in the death penalty but this guy should rot in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. And i'm wondering how did he get a rifle, tear gas, and a gas mask into a theater in the first place?
  8. The parts for my PC build are on the way!

    1. Undead


      I finished my build last week to be honest. haha

    2. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      lol. I'm glad i know someone who'll give me free parts or else i'd have to save until next summer.

  9. Herobrine for me. Even though he's fake it's still funny to activate the mod on your friends account and watch his reaction!
  10. I've played a decent amount of both and Paintball is defiantly more fun to me, but a lot more expensive. Airsoft you can just waste ammo and it wont cost you a dime. it's like $8 for 5,000 BB's. But i love paintball more because it's more close quarters (at least for me) and it doesn't hurt as much (to me). I prefer a solid "Smack" compared to stinging. And it's a lot more satisfying when you nail someone because you can actually hear the ball hit. But on the other hand in airsoft you can have a lot more people because it's cheaper, and it's always fun to sneak up behind someone and pop them in the back of the head. That's just my opinion, though.
  11. Eh... I wouldn't mind a makeover, but i'm fine with the site as it is.
  12. I'm wondering, if you are level 5, and play horribly, can you rank down? Or is it solely XP based?
  13. Wow. It's easier to get into 3 prestigious private schools then the local high school. Go figure.

  14. i play a ton. And that is an amazing clip!
  15. Welcome to the site! I used to be on the bungie forums but they just got overrun by trolls so i came here. We have a great moderating team so trolls are kept to a minimum.
  16. Wow. That would be a twist. I'd hate to have to kill her though, or even fight her.
  17. yeah! And to go even further it could import you're MP spartan and random models from you're friends. I don't want them to be playable though. Halo 4 should be all about the Chief.
  18. Also, you have to remember the game isn't finished yet. we still have months before it hit's shelfs.
  19. Ugh. I have $350 and i need a GPU, case, mouse, keyboard, and monitor. I'm horrible at this.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      Thanks for the link, though.

    3. Undead


      If I would you I'd wait and save my money until I had $500. Because my one friend made a $500 build and he can max all of his games which include: Skyrim, Battlefield 3, and Crysis 2. You just need to know what your doing.

    4. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      I dont need to speand on the proccesser, psu, or mobo. just the case, GPU, Screen, keyboard, mouse.

  20. Goodbye, Jester. Thank you for the countless hours you've put into these forums and I will miss you terribly. Thank you. Goodbye.
  21. i voted yes! Of course you should put life first, but you're fun to talk to, funny, and a great member!
  22. I'm gonna say Kurt. I feel like i can relate to him (besides being dead). He sacrificed himself for his friends and i like to think I would do the same.
  23. I'll be sorry to see you go, Twin. I hope you can sort out everything and return soon. Thanks for all the help you've been to the forums. You will be greatly missed.
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