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Kurt S-501

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Everything posted by Kurt S-501

  1. Agent Vermont was walking across the training arena to the shooting range. "Hey Cali", he said as he walked by. "What's up?"
  2. I'm always spotting. My thumb literally rests on the spot button when I move.
  3. Planning on getting Skyrim soon. Which is better, PC or Counsel

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FIREN4


      Skyrim is awesome! I have it for Xbox, but still, they hit it there with the PC thing.

    3. CandiBunni


      Console* =P The PC is the superior platform, so get it for that if yours can run it.

    4. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      I'm surprised that mine can run it. I've done pleanty of tests and seen gameplay from my CPU and i'm shocked. My PC isn't that good.


      Or maybe it's the best PC ever. Of all time.

  4. I'm not really "religious". I'm a Christian, but not the kind that lives at church and is a bible freak. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm just not like that.
  5. I've always wanted to fly jets in the military. I would do that but I might not get in. Or I wouldn't have a career when I left because it's so hard to get a good job as a pilot. So i'll go with my second choice. An Aerospace engineer. It's fun, and it pays good.
  6. Wow. The one time I need Wiki, it's down.

    1. 343industries


      Amen. Though I use it everyday, I'd really like to check something out atm.

  7. That, is the single best idea I have heard in a long time.
  8. I'll be praying for you and your father, Fire. My neighbor once had brain cancer and was terminal. But a few neighbors prayed for him and the next day, no brain tumor. I hope this happens for your father.
  9. Bf3 and Halo 3 are the only Xbox games I play anymore. The rest just can't compete. I'm saving for Skyrim though. And I think a Bf3 playdate would be Sweet!
  10. "My name is Leonard Church And you will fear my laser face!"
  11. I think he meant the in-game scoreboard which only shows points. I agree with Insanebear that the in-game scoreboard could be more like Halo 3's which showed much more.
  12. I think it's a good idea. Not for a whole map, just for a portion of the map. And we should be able to forge "zero gravity zones" in Halo 4. If Zealot and Anchor 9 and Condemed have them, then why shouldn't we be able to forge them?
  13. I can't get enough Red vs. Blue. I also love AH and Tobuscus, Brisi, team0pifiny ( i know i spelled that wrong) The halo forge epidemic.
  14. Dream wedding. WYR......... be stuck in a room (no way out) with rebecka black, or justin bieber?
  15. Carbine. I just love the rate of fire!
  16. Welcome to the site! This forum has the friendliest people there are so make yourself at home. If you have any questions, just ask any member.
  17. Welcome to the site! We're all one, big family so make yourself at home!
  18. It's actually not. Just the Spartan III's are slower and smaller so the map takes longer to cross. That gives it a larger feel.
  19. I love Lucid dreaming! About half of my dreams are conscious and it's so much fun!
  20. I can do Friday night. It's my weekly "xbox all night" night.
  21. just take a look at my profile. It's on there. Februrary 17. Just in case you're too lazy.
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