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Kurt S-501

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Everything posted by Kurt S-501

  1. Well damn. I never thought I'd see this day. You have been great to this site. Member of the Month, master of troll slaying, you have been a real help. I can only begin to understand half the techno stuff you know. I'll be sad to see you leave. Come back soon! The door's always open. See you Starside.
  2. Again RANMAN. I swear you are talking about me! I'm 15 (well, almost), I live in Tennessee, I just got into my churches youth band, I play lots of instruments. I'm homeschooled. This is weird! I want to be an aerospace engineer at NASA. In fact, I'm doing this thing with them called INSPIRE. It's this online NASA learning program thing. There's like 2,400 people in the US that get in. It's pretty cool. (off topic). Anyways, I love Halo. I'm a huge fan. I've read all the books, seen all the footage, and played all the games. I'm really into Minecraft. I've modded the heck out of it. I get way to mad at video games. If I end on a bad game or if the other team is playing cheap, I'll be in a bad mood all day. But if I end on a great game, I'm mister happy face for the rest of the day. I hate school (who doesn't). I've had to take 3 IQ tests (they suck). And I have been one teacher's pet, and the others worst nightmare (building skyscrapers out of anything found in the supply drawer is apperantly frowned on by teachers). Yeah. I don't want to share too much for all you creeps out there so... Yeah. The end.
  3. Goodbye Donut. I hope you get everything together and return soon. Good luck! See you Starside.
  4. Mine was inspired by the Spartan II Kurt. He was responsible for destroying a whole Covenant army and destroying the entrance to the sheild world inside of Onyx named Trevelyan.
  5. I get pissed off way to easily in video games. It ruins the fun sometimes.
  6. the kind that doesn't crawl on your face while you're trying to take a nap.
  7. Good luck! We'll miss you while you're gone!
  8. I'm a little bummed about Bungie leaving Halo, but I'm exited to see what 343i can do with it.
  9. NYAN CAT!!! But seriously. I listen to halo music when I play.
  10. There were 12 originally but 5 were destroyed long before the events of the games.
  11. You'll be missed A-Dog. Thanks for all the time you put into this site. You've been incredibly helpful. Per Adacia Ad Astra. See You Starside.
  12. Kurt S-501

    Hello :)

    Welcome to the site!
  13. You can get a signature Here. As for an update, I don't know.
  14. I was once getting chased around my house by a killer wasp, that I somehow new if I got stung I would die instantly. I go to hide in the closet but when I walk in, there is no back wall. Instead, it turned into a huge cliff with a waterfall. I then realize I'm dreaming and if I die in a dream, I wake up. So I jump off, killing myself and waking up. The End.
  15. I'm neutral. It's a great game as a standalone. But it doesn't have the same feel or gameplay as the origional trilogy.
  16. Anything that's hard and won't pick up dirt and stuff, I'll eat after any amount of seconds. But if it's soft or sticky, I won't.
  17. I agree. Aside from the originality of Halo 1, Halo 2 had a great story.
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