Again RANMAN. I swear you are talking about me! I'm 15 (well, almost), I live in Tennessee, I just got into my churches youth band, I play lots of instruments. I'm homeschooled. This is weird! I want to be an aerospace engineer at NASA. In fact, I'm doing this thing with them called INSPIRE. It's this online NASA learning program thing. There's like 2,400 people in the US that get in. It's pretty cool. (off topic).
Anyways, I love Halo. I'm a huge fan. I've read all the books, seen all the footage, and played all the games. I'm really into Minecraft. I've modded the heck out of it.
I get way to mad at video games. If I end on a bad game or if the other team is playing cheap, I'll be in a bad mood all day. But if I end on a great game, I'm mister happy face for the rest of the day.
I hate school (who doesn't). I've had to take 3 IQ tests (they suck). And I have been one teacher's pet, and the others worst nightmare (building skyscrapers out of anything found in the supply drawer is apperantly frowned on by teachers).
Yeah. I don't want to share too much for all you creeps out there so... Yeah.
The end.