I would totally join if i had the time. Everytime i join a playdate, or tournement, I always am busy or forget and let my oppenent down. I'm gonna stay out of tourneys unless i know i can make it. Sorry.
I have nothing against Halo4Follower, he just isn't the best source of news. The news group on this site get news out within a couple hours of them happening. Halo4Follower can be weeks late. And there's other youtubers who blast out news faster and better.
I agree with you. There could be huge alien civilizations and God wouldn't of had to tell us about them. I'm not sure if I believe in intelligent life outside of earth, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were.
Happy Member birthday! You totally deserve the blue name you have. You're a great moderator, a fantastic writer, and an awesome member. Thanks for 1 year of being on this amazing site and for your service as a mod!
The MRI Results came back and I have good news and bad news. Good news is that the tear in the ACL isn't too bad. The bad news is I also broke my tibia so I can't walk for 8 weeks.