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Kurt S-501

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Everything posted by Kurt S-501

  1. I'll admit, it's more difficult then normal Reach.
  2. It's all great. The games are much faster paced.
  3. The TU beta just went live. Enjoy!
  4. I don't even have a report button.
  5. i agree. i like the idea of changing the theme of the ma, not the map itself.
  6. hot for a teacher by van halen
  7. woops. i was looking at the first page. sorry
  8. I'm loving your signature Spectral!
  9. if i can give you a tip, every time you update it (if you chose to do so in the future), give the date of the last update in the title or description. it would help a lot. As always, awesome story man!
  10. I will start to write in Lime from now on. if this is already someones color ill give it up. but only if you have had this color already.
  11. I think i'll start writing in lime if nobody else does. if you want to write in lime i'll switch.
  12. But It would be very different. The flood wouldn't break down barriers. They would simply run at you. Across an open area.
  13. I think he shouldn't pull out a knife or sword, instead he should just snap the enemies neck.
  14. i think it's be the precursers
  15. 3. they originally had an APC on the map but took it out. i think they want to focus on the gameplay for infantry more then vehicles.
  16. why? i only got to play for a couple minuets before i lost the connecton. i wanted to know before i jumped back in so i wouldn't waste any more time figuring out the controls.
  17. yeah. sometimes this just means more kills for you.
  18. i heard from a friend that star wars battlefront 3 allows the player to fight on the ground, grab a ship, then fly up to fight in space. why couldn't halo 4 have that?
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