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Kurt S-501

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Everything posted by Kurt S-501

  1. i dont know... i could work but after 5 games of fighting the same enemy it gets old. i think the spirit of fire will make a return.
  2. i agree. the game seems to be about the armor, not the fun. halo 3 had very limited armor and it was fun.
  3. i agree. halo 1,2,3 were much more social and fun. not as competitive.
  4. never mind. i fond out i don't need a code.
  5. time to play swat all week!
  6. i find that plugging in an ethernet cable from my router to my xbox increases the speed.
  7. well sword bock is being taken out with the TU but only the the beta hoppers playlist and in CEA.
  8. good idea. there already are some rumors about destroyable objects, i don't like the idea, but if there was an option to have a certain object destroyable that would be awesome. it would work for living dead. like the zombies have to break in to room with 6 humans waiting on the other side.
  9. It doesn't effect the gameplay. You don't see your own face while in the helmet. I dont really care.
  10. Just read the date for the bf3 beta. I'm hyped!
  11. i don't really care. it's skill that matters, not how you look. i do not, however, like the credit system. it's good for armor but not for ranking.
  12. wasn't the world sussposed to end a couple months ago, and now in 2012? it'll be just like Y2K. nothing will happen. crime rates will go up though.
  13. it will be back in the beta hoppers playlist on Oct. 4th.
  14. i must remember his name so i can t-bag him unmercilessly next time.
  15. but what if the covenant arent in halo 4. we should still be able to fight as all species that are in halo 4
  16. Kurt S-501

    Main Menu

    so with the first one there must be marine help or the Chief finds more spartans, if this is legit.
  17. i can see how this is possible but i don't think this would make a good trilogy. maybe have them be part of it but only as a background enemy. the main enemy should be forerunner or precurser.
  18. I Mean you shouldn't get banned for the first one. The second one, who cares. Halo 2 is off line so hack at will
  19. It you could add the possibility of precursors being a Potential enemy.
  20. Not a lot. You summed up pretty much everything we know about halo 4. I could go on a rant about things Reach screwed up, but you have all the facts. I do hope that there is no destructible environents. That would conpleatly change the feel of the game (which is bad).
  21. Agree with all that post says however, that was bungles big flaming turd of failure, not 343's. I'm hoping 343i will follow the books more.
  22. If the planet is Onyx then 343i disregarded the books. In Halo: Ghost of Onyx, Onyx is destroyed by Kurt (read my sig). the surviving sentinels picked up and left. If it takes place before Onyx was destroyed and the Chief somehow went back in time, then it could be Onyx.
  23. For the first one, no. I've done that every now and then and it's not cheating. For the second one, unless it was unintentional, yes. If that happened to a lit of people then no. I wouldn't know cause I got xblox live after halo 2 was taken off live.
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