I would like to see that. I don have a PC (wish I did though) but my friend does and it is very fun. I can't wait for battlefield 3 for PC. 64 players, wow!
It depends on what kind of game it is. Like ODST's soundtrack fit perfectly. If it's a run-and-gun-kill everything-that-moves game, then a soundtrack like Reach or CE would fit. If depends on the feel of the game.
I'm glad he's gone. Reach was fun for a while but it plays nothing like the classic Halos. I hope now that he's gone 343i can restore the classic feel of the gameplay from halo 1,2,3.
This. The ranking system in Halo 3 was great. And the armory system in Teach is cool too. Why nit a mixture of both. Like one would earn credits after every match, but only skill point or whatever they're called will level you up.
Ok. I know that there are 5 Rings left, but how many were there to start. i know it's supposed to be 7, but in one of the Halo books i read it was nine. if anyone knows if there were 9, or what i misread, please post below.
i tried that. the debris still takes a while to despawn. I'll try syncing the despawn time with another Plasma Battery so there is a constant bombarding of bombs. if anyone knows the time it takes for the debris to despawn, that would be helpful.
Wait, Ryan what's-his-name, the guy who jut left 343i was the director for Reach? Then I'm glad he's gone. Reach was a bit of a letdown for me and I want to see the classic gameplay come back.