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Kurt S-501

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Everything posted by Kurt S-501

  1. When you teabag your friend in paintball. If this has been used I apologize. I did not want to read 5 pages of posts...
  2. Maybe, maybe not. I like the theory. We'll just have to wait and see what 343i releases for us. Good theory though.
  3. almost all the screenshots are my own. and the others dont feature me
  4. That there is life after death... in the form of respawning.
  5. I would like to see that. I don have a PC (wish I did though) but my friend does and it is very fun. I can't wait for battlefield 3 for PC. 64 players, wow!
  6. It depends on what kind of game it is. Like ODST's soundtrack fit perfectly. If it's a run-and-gun-kill everything-that-moves game, then a soundtrack like Reach or CE would fit. If depends on the feel of the game.
  7. PLEASE NO!!! This is not halo. Going prone after taking damage would suck! Halo is a run and gun game, like headhunter said, and it would ruin it.
  8. i wouldn't mind. as long as there is a separate playlist for Kinect users.
  9. We get it. you know a lot about the weapon mechanics and script. just start a new thread about it.
  10. Already new about them but still, AWESOME!!!!
  11. I'm glad he's gone. Reach was fun for a while but it plays nothing like the classic Halos. I hope now that he's gone 343i can restore the classic feel of the gameplay from halo 1,2,3.
  12. This. The ranking system in Halo 3 was great. And the armory system in Teach is cool too. Why nit a mixture of both. Like one would earn credits after every match, but only skill point or whatever they're called will level you up.
  13. I was wrong. There were 12 to start with.
  14. I would totally buy this. It looks awesome. Like a Red bs Blue animated fighting seen. Sweet! I hope they put this in.
  15. This. I would rather be fast without sprint then be slow and be able to sprint. It would also feel more like halo 1,2,3,odst.
  16. Sounds good. I would like to see medicant bias show up in the reclaimer trilogy.
  17. Ok. So I was wrong and there were 12 rings. I'll have to read that book.
  18. Ok. I know that there are 5 Rings left, but how many were there to start. i know it's supposed to be 7, but in one of the Halo books i read it was nine. if anyone knows if there were 9, or what i misread, please post below.
  19. i tried that. the debris still takes a while to despawn. I'll try syncing the despawn time with another Plasma Battery so there is a constant bombarding of bombs. if anyone knows the time it takes for the debris to despawn, that would be helpful.
  20. Wait, Ryan what's-his-name, the guy who jut left 343i was the director for Reach? Then I'm glad he's gone. Reach was a bit of a letdown for me and I want to see the classic gameplay come back.
  21. I don't think halo is that kind of game. Battlefield has captured that, but halo just isn't that kind of game.
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