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Kurt S-501

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Everything posted by Kurt S-501

  1. There were 9 originally. And yes there are other sheild worlds, I used Onyx as an example. Im pretty sure there were 9 to start with. If not, u are right about the rings.
  2. Bloom is just unrealistic for a Spartan. Think about it. The AA-12 shotgun (the real one, not from MW2) has a special butt that absorbs the recoil making the gun have VERY little recoil. On FPSRussia's YouTube Chanel he shoots them one-handed. I've shot a shotgun a few times and the recoil is pretty big. Not if we have that technology now in 2011 with normal human beings, think about what kind of recoil reduction technology there would be in 2552 with a Spartan. And Spartans are pretty tough. They can fall from space and live. Why not be able to handle the recoil from a gun that probably has very little recoil.
  3. Yeah. And maybe just have a blank plain and be able to grab points of it and lift or depress. And being able to carve into the environment. Like that big rock wall next to the lagoon, we could carve a huge cavern, or catacombs.
  4. You saw the end of Halo 3 right? The Arbiter made it to earth and eventually back to his home world, or whatever he called "home".
  5. Not all sheild worlds are microdyson spheres. There are other forms or structures to protect the forerunners from halo.
  6. Ok. That would be too cheap. I mean just single handed weapons.
  7. good idea. this might be possible because of the Forerunners greater understanding of slipstream space. I think the planet is precursor if the Chief went back in time.
  8. He is human. He was kidnaped at age 6 and trained by the UNSC. I rink he will fight precursors.
  9. Good! Crazy can be fun, but it can stray away from the classic halo feel.
  10. Caboose the vehicle destroyer: Destroy 5 vehicles in BTB today. 5000 cr.
  11. except battlefront was the second best game ever!!!! halo is 1st
  12. BEEP!! BEEP!!! Splater 10 enimies in one game 5000 cr. Daily That's Dedication Play a total of 10h in multiplayer matchmaking this week. 20,000 cr. Weekly
  13. I don't know if I would like that. I think Halo 4 will be a lone wolf game. We might be teaming up with Forerunners or fight against forerunners. Or fighting precursors. There is so little released about this game, we can't be sure until further notice.
  14. soo... nobody knows how to despawn debris?
  15. haha. and the AA-12 shotgun has little to no recoil. check our FPS Russia's youtube chanel to see it. if we have guns now that have no recoil, what about in 500 years?
  16. that would be cool. but most people wouldn't be able to pronounce its name!
  17. yeah. although a Spartan II could probably handle both weapons with the same accuracy, the reticle should be larger as to balance it more.
  18. I mean at the beginning when foehammer drops a hog after you clear the beach. Someone would have walk.
  19. Kurt S-501

    NMPD Helmet

    I like the tag idea. Maybe just have our tags be on the shoulder no matter what armor we Chose.
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