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Kurt S-501

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Everything posted by Kurt S-501

  1. Haha. That will be my goal in college! It is now, why not college?
  2. But unless the Foward unto Dawn changes course, they will land Inside the planet, not on it. Anyway I think the odds of the spirit of fie meeting with the chief seems unlikely.
  3. I love rants. Anyway, your ideas are alright. Dedicated servers would cost a lot, maybe more than 343i can afford. As for separate playlist, i like them just the way they are. It's fun to choose a playlist and not know what's your going to get, although it can be tough trying to get the gametype you love. although the original MM in Halo CE was awesome. That would save 343i from making seperate playlist for gametypes and/or maps. Just use this. Also, Mr Eos said that he didn't like people creating custom stuff. I love custom stuff and I think forge and/or modding should be customized. I hate in forge when you find the perfect peice, but it sticks out the other side of the wall. It would be cool to be able to change the dimensions of that object, like length width and hight. And maybe Modz. It was just so fun to sit down, join a game, and fire your AR and it shoots ROCKETS! I loved it. Custom Edition: this could solve the modding issue. Players wouldn't need to add in a pelican and such, they would just have to at the custom edition. Although a warthog with zebra-striped seats would be badass. Did I mention I love rants?
  4. If they're fixing bloom and armor lock, then they defanantly can add more armor unlocks. I hope they do.
  5. please stop trying to make halo more like CoD. i think reach was the closest halo should stray down that path.
  6. Great idea. but i wouldn't actually play like this, it would be cool to just to see what it's like.
  7. YESSSS!!! i hope it stays that way!
  8. Awesome, but not really new to me. if you guys want new info fast, check out halo4follower's channel on youtube. he posted this video the other day.
  9. Ok. I can't get the link to work. Just go on YouTube and search for Halo4follower and click the first video.
  10. http//.www.youtube.com/halo4follower I hope that works. Just The first video is all I'm talking about btw.
  11. http://m.youtube.com/#/profile?user=Halo4Follower. I hope that works. Just The first video is all I'm talking about btw.
  12. Ok. Weird. Lemme fix that...
  13. Actually, quite a few Spartans survived. Kelly and the Spartan III's, mike, Jai, and the rest of gray team. Jun: I think so. How else would Dr. Halsey get off reach. So I think it would be cool to somehow meet with these Spartans towards the end or have that be the final objective of the game (or trilogy).
  14. I disagree. No one knows johns last name. If anyone does, please tell me.
  15. They aren't changing the MP, just remastering the campaign. If there are any differences in the MP, they will probably be small ones.
  16. Everyone needs to check out this guys video and channel on YouTube. In this most recent video it shows what the armor customizations are going to be like in Halo 4. I am still in doubt as to wether or not this is confirmed and real, or just a fake. Anyway, this guy has tons of info on halo 4 and CEA. His chanel is halo4follower. Check it out. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=nVTEQoXzMo8 P.S. Does anyone know how to put the video directly on here? Not just a link.
  17. Well, odds are it won't be elites. There will be no Covenant in Campaign, why should there be in multiplayer.
  18. I don't like sprint or any of the AA's. They take away from the classic halo feel and gameplay.
  19. 343 needs to make a DLC that includes Custom edition!
  20. I know it's not a repeater. i just mean that nothing big will change (most likely).
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