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AnneKathrin Zarnecke

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Everything posted by AnneKathrin Zarnecke

  1. Hi guys, I'm completely new to this forum so please excuse any mistakes. I recently read the topic concerning the Master Chief and his process of losing Cortana, and whether or not the upcoming games will become more psychological than the others before. I loved the ideas and do hope that it will change the way we see him. I'm about to write an article about that topic and for that, would love to hear some other opinions concerning some things. The extreme masculine image of the Master Chief and his training to become more or less a "heartless killing machine". Would you like to see him more as a human, see the cracks in his facade and maybe even face psychological illnesses like depression? What do you think about the other playable characters? Is your interest in the game lessened because it's not just about the Master Chief, or are you interested in seeing some other faces (some already known like Kelly) I'm a big fan of the books and I'm really sad that most of the lore didn't make it into most of the games. I'm thinking about the process of becoming a spartan (like in the upcoming shortfilm) and all the horrible consequences and things they have to face. Would you be interested in a prologue kinda game, where it is all about the history? (just thinking about the setting in general) Sooo, I do hope I get some interesting answers because it's always interesting to think about games a little bit more "human" than we do most of the time.
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