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Joshua Norkevicus

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Halo was the first console game I ever played and has been special to my heart. I was in the process of completing the cross platform "The Master Chief Saga" playlist and the playlist reset back to the first level. All the work I have done means nothing now even though the playlist says I completed all the levels I previously completed. It just won't continue where I left off. This has been a problem for months for other people and I am shocked that it hasn't been fixed. I know I can play the games individually, but the fact that this has not been fixed with Halo 5 only being two weeks away makes me feel a bit cheated as a Halo fan. I know the game was a big undertaking to begin with, but it is hard as a fan to loose progress for an achievement or playlist, especially for fans who do not have a lot of time. 343, please consider fixing this issue and good luck with the Halo 5 release. Praying for the best, Josh
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