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Everything posted by J3xRG

  1. rangers-gaming.com/forum signup or hit me up on xbox j3xrg
  2. We are a community who plays PC and Xbox. Our primary games on xbox are halo 5, gears of war, call of duty, and destiny. However, we have a lot of members who play the smaller games. On PC we play Mobas, counterstrike, arma/day-z and many others. We are both competitive and social. We have a twitter: @Rangers_Gaming a facebook: facebook.com/forum a tumblir: http://rgnews.tumblr.com/ for our news and productions members. An IPS forum: rangers-gaming.com/forum I'd love to have some new members in our community. Sign-up, and post in the join us with the proper application and we will hook you up (I'd prefer this). OOOR add me on xbox under J3xRG (primary) or TheRealJeremyJJxRG and message me saying "from the forums" so I know where you are coming from.
  3. I just got banned. There is a couple problems here. 1: I can't check how long I'm banned for. 2: I got banned from suicide when I was still the most positive in the game. Falling off the map is a huge issue especially for grabbing damage boost and invisibility. As a hardcore halo player and someone who tries every game it is extremely frustrating to be told I can't play a game when I'm trying. Suicide by fallling off a map is not something that should be banned unless it is intentional. All you need to do is put something in that checks your k/d and if it is intentional you shouldn't really have any kills. Or at least don't do it to someone who is positive in game.
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