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Corporal Crimson

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Everything posted by Corporal Crimson

  1. My name is Corporal Crimson, I am a longtime Halo Veteran. I am very competitive I am tired of team mates who do not feel the same burning desire to win and compete that I do. I am looking for a MLG group to join that plays daily or at least very often. I am on every night and I have dedicated a lot of time to learning and studying the game. If you have a group that is looking for a vet ready to make the transition into the competitive scene, feel free to contact me. XBOX TAG: CorporalCrimson
  2. Gamertag: Corporal Crimson Rank: 50 Arena Rank: Platinum 4 (no team, randoms) Time Played: 4+ hours a day Halo Exp: Every Halo and Multiplayer Favorite Game type: War zone I am an experienced and we'll rounded halo veteran. I have been playing halo since Halo: Combat Evolved. I am looking for seriously competitive and tactically cunning team mates to form a MLG group to go to events and compete. I would enjoy being apart of a group that practices daily and knows the maps like I do. Call outs a must. If I had a solid team instead of randoms I will be Onyx Rank in a day. Feel free to contact me with further questions. -Corp
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