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CoRe Zimp

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    CoRe Zimp

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  1. 343..... You have made the mistake that (I hate to say this) but Fallout and a lot more games continue to make. You need to start giving us options. Nobody wants to feel restricted. I love 60 fps and I have clocked it time and time again and that 60 frames doesn't budge. But when someone is playing solo you should allow the game to go to 60 fps. But when someone is playing split screen you can let the game play at about 30-60 fps. Give us that option. This is next gen gaming you need to realize you are capable of giving us choices. When I'm alone I do want to play at 60 fps but when my roommate wants to come check of the new halo I want to be able to switch it 30 fps and hop on split screen. Me and my roommate have the best of both worlds. He has the PlayStation 4 and I have the Xbox One. He gets to play halo and I get to play blooborne or uncharted or whatever. And it's always been that way. But you ruined that when you took out our beloved split screen.
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