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Everything posted by whouchens14

  1. Hey guys! Here's something I've been on the edge of releasing for a while now, and I reckon now is as good a time as ever. Being the video game enthusiast that I am, I've always loved the Halo series. And the music nerd in me has always loved Marin O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori's soundtracks from the original Halo series. Now that I am doing more film scoring, I only seemed natural for me to write my own opening music for the New Halo 5. Something to push myself, and something that I enjoy all in one. I'm also up for letting everyone use this in their Machinimas, as long as I'm properly credited. If you want the raw music file for this use, contact me directly, either through email or youtube. i'll send a file without the opening cinematic sound effects! Awesome! Here's the jump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OE4d-mEERw Awesome! Thanks guys! Enjoy. -Wil
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