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Everything posted by SairentoII

  1. I just signed up to say that, 343 what did you do to H5? I mean the magnum is too easy to use, the assault rifle is too easy to use, you can Spartan charge and ground pound like a titan on destiny, you have a radar where you can’t see your opponent walk, you aim down sights on weapons that don’t have and/or don’t need a scope, you mine as well have a br or dmr as primary since everyone always rushes for the two, people rely on power weapons and Os more than ever, We now have to buy a req pack to get armor instead of earning it, most of the time you’re a sitting duck when you use the thrusters to hold your Spartan in the air, the vehicles in warzone seem to have a lower durability, the shotgun has way too much range, you guys made the story line a bit confusing and disappointing, you guys made H5 into Call of duty fast-paced game, and in FFA, I see everyone getting clean up kills. I rarely see anyone kill a person with full shields and if they do, they kill them with with camo, Os, or a power weapon.
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