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  1. It wasn't a 5 minute ban. I tried again after more than 5 minutes. It doesn't tell me the updated timer at that point, it just keeps giving messages about "Unable to find players" and "Unable to connect to lobby", etc. It only shows the ban message once, and it displays a time, not a number of minutes. I have had this happen once before when I accidentally betrayed a teammate. Other than that, I've never betrayed a teammate or had any unsportsman like conduct and never disconnected... my internet works well. I just try to play the game. I am saying the system is broken because it allows for opportunities like this. I'm just a regular person trying to play a game and service I pay money for and it allows people to cheat the system like this and get valid players banned from playing the game. There is no way for me to report this player within XBOX now, no way for me to contact 343i... nothing. I'm just banned for trying to legitimately play the game I paid for. This just leaves a terrible taste in my mouth and is a terrible experience for Halo, 343i, and XBOX Live and is deterring good/valid players from playing, and then wanting to play after things like this happen.
  2. I've had 2 issues now with the "Banhammer" that are absolute crap and are blocking me from playing the game and service that I paid money for. My last game I had a player on my team shooting me and our other teammates just enough to bring our shields down but not kill them (the player was "Haunted Canada"). This was a repeated action he was doing since the second the game started. Knowing about the "Banhammer" and just wanting to play the game, I did not shoot back but just played with him ruining it for me and my other teammates. I spawned and started running down a hallway and was being shot from behind. I turned around and threw a grenade immediately out of instinct thinking an opponent was behind me, trying to get away. Well it turn out it was this "teammate" just shooting me to get my shields down until I would eventually run into a real opponent and have no chance to put up a fight without any shields. My grenade killed him, and now I'm banned from Halo for the next 5 hours. This goes without saying this is a broken system. I had just started playing Halo for the night and now I won't be able to for the rest of the night. This is a game and service I paid money for which is now denying me service. I understand the logic behind it, but it's not working as it should. This really just makes me want to stop playing Halo if I can't play it anyways and have others ruining the game, which I then get penalized for. If you see the played "Haunted Canada", you might as well just quit the game. At least that way you won't end up getting banned for such a long time and can play a real game.... I think the penalty for quitting is less than accidentally "betraying".
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