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Everything posted by GambitXM

  1. Halo to me and friends was a big party game. We gathered together to play, have one big party and enjoy each other's company in between matches. This is now gone :-( 343 (and apparently Microsoft, apparently lack of system link is their doing) did not think this was important. Eventually, we will all say to ourselves that Halo is not important.
  2. I'm not asking for a patch, I already know they said they can not. I'm accepting 5 for what is it. I just wanted to post an opinion about it. I do not hardly ever post in forums but to me this is a big deal. If only a few people voiced their upset, how hard would they "try" when it comes to Halo 6? I would have e-mailed 343 instead of the forum but I didn't know what contact info to use.
  3. First off I want to say to 343 that despite some upsets (we can't always get what we want), I do believe they made a good game. Congratulations to them for that. There is one thing though that I'll probably never get over. Hopefully, I am wrong and it does not become standard for Halo going in to the future. Yes we have all beaten this dead horse already, topic wise. Split screen.... Some of the greatest times I have ever experienced in video games were during LAN parties With friends (and strangers that through Halo became friends). There is nothing that can replace the camaraderie felt when giving a high five to your team mate when he is next to you after a win. Or the trash talking to an opponent right to his face And just the friendly shots being fired back and forth in the middle of a match. Yes, I suppose it is still possible to have LAN partis but practical it will not be. Not all friends have Xboxes or even the game. Then finding a place to play that would accommodate the number of Xboxes and TVs that's a different story all together. I will continue to play, as I've said it is a good game. Will I ever get the Halo experience anymore that started it all for me (FPS on consoles and LAN parties), I think not. Edit - Now I just found out that system linking is also not supporated :-(
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