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Everything posted by WYOHAZARD

  1. Since this is (SORT OF) a halo game, and I'm not really into all these new changes such as the random weapon spawns, no respawn time, custom loadouts, etc. I know that there will be some kind of customization to game types. But I'm wondering if anyone knows how much depth you can go into with custom games. I want to be able to take out pretty much all the stuff they are adding and have BR start with natural scoring system and 5 second respawn times. Also be able to use forge for non random weapon drops, and for other things. I really want there to be a lot of depth here and Im not sure if halo 4 will have the depth I want. Because if they do, I would rather just play custom games all day with the 12 people I know who would like the same thing. But to change it as much as I want to may be a little far fetched. So if anybody knows more info on custom games that would be helpful, because I have done litteraly hours of research on just this one topic and cant find anything. Also who would like to see an old school playlist with the 1 to 50 rank structure and everything, I know they already announced that there wasn't going to be a true skill rank structure but wouldn't it be awesome. Also would everyone else like to see the depth i am looking for


    no offense but its because of people like you that killed halo to begin with everything was fine till yall started complaining
  3. This is why people like you and me will never see eye to eye on this matter. I loved the game for what it was and by taking those things out of the game that i love and replacing them it turns it into something completely different.. which makes sucks considering halo 2 and 3 are some of my favorite games of all time. I know ill probably dislike the game because i had the same thoughts towards reach before it came out and i couldnt stand that game


    its not just your primary weapon its that plus perks grenade types weapon customization secondary weapon your Armour ability im pretty sure your the one who hasn't listened by doing this your turning it into something thats not a halo game
  5. Im just really glad to see the BR back i just hope they don't keep the idea of giving it recoil that would suck


    thats like saying that they announced that everyone is going to spawn with rockets and then someone else saying lets wait to play the game before we call it a bad idea
  7. No it gets boring for you, not me and the thousands of other people that want they game to stay what it is or was at least, and why the hell would you compare the books to the multiplayer gameplay.
  8. There really just needs to be two seperate parts to the multiplayer old school traditional style that plays almost exactly like halo 2 and 3 did just with new graphics and the old ranking structure and a seperate mode that has all this new stuff in it, because people are never going to agree, and your gonna piss somebody off by changing the game or not changing the game.. so this way everybody wins Me being someone who hates these new ideas i really hope they put in something like this


    Well no of course, but at this point there are tons of things worse than kill cams being added like custom classes random weapon spawning etc.... so at this point even if they did add kill cams im not sure if it would make the game all that diffrent... but hey if they wanna trade in the custom classes and random weapon spawning for kill cams BRING IT ON
  10. It would also be real nice if they put a 1 to 50 ranking structure in it
  11. If there is anyway to put in a old school playlist i would greatly enjoy that, meaning no loadouts no random weapon spawning and a 1 to 50 ranking structure..... pretty pretty plz.... pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty plz =)
  12. Why the hell does everyone say that the game has to evolve, i would be perfectly happy with a game that played just like halo 3 did, with a new story and maybe a new game mode. Thats why i had no problems with halo 3 pretty much the same as halo 2 with a couple tweaks and new game mode (FORGE), nothing changed. Im a mechanic and i live by the saying if it isnt broke dont fix it, same rules apply here. It wasnt bad at all why should it be changed, and there are tons of people who would agree with me
  13. I agree with you completely, but sorry to say i think the days of true halo are over and replaced with this crap. I have to say if they dont release some new info about some features that will bring the game back to its roots. Im pretty sure that im gonna give upon the franchise all together. Im not gonna pay 60$ for halo reach 2
  14. Wait I have the best idea of all, no AA's what so ever, ha... doesn't tha sound like the best idea ever
  15. Yes!!!! BR is beating DMR
  16. I didn't see an opotion for none of the above, beacuase having equipment that would stop headshots is a terrible idea. And so are the rest of them like invis or infinite amo, having infinite rockets would be retarted.And please no armor abilities in halo 4 that would ruin it for me
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