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Choot 'em

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Status Replies posted by Choot 'em

  1. Wow, didn't realise how close I was to trusted member, my how time flys. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good turkey!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving pilgrims...I'm John Wayne pilgrims....

  5. Turkey, Ham,stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, beans, homemade cheese cake and sweet tea! Sleepy,full and do not want to eat for a few days

  6. our shield can't repel firepower of that magnitude

  7. Guys, I broke down today, I even cried. We got the results back from my dad's MRI and the doctors said "Don't get your hopes up but things haven't gotten worse like we anticipated, things are looking a LITTLE bit better"

  8. I rarely get jealous, but I am jealous of Jester already having HCEA and playing it!

  9. 11/11/11 Skyrim and immortals comes out and it national metal day! its gonna be sweet!

  10. Your halo sins can never truly be forgiven unless Father Bullet absolves your Halo sins."Reclaimer" - A new fiction by 819 Impetuous repercussion in the GD. Six more mornings until you can play HCEA!

  11. Is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy (sing along if you know! if you don't, then shame on you)

  12. im trying to think of a quote for my signature. Any Ideas?

  13. Is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy (sing along if you know! if you don't, then shame on you)

  14. im trying to think of a quote for my signature. Any Ideas?

  15. Is this the real life? Or is this just fantasy (sing along if you know! if you don't, then shame on you)

  16. Server RAM upgrade complete

  17. This sites pretty cool..

  18. Wisdom or Knowledge? (pick one)

  19. Hello darkness my old friend, i've come to talk to you again

  20. I had internet issues last night, but they are resolved now.

  21. Live your life, leave nothing on the table and never look back

  22. Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

  23. Just a small town girl...

  24. Don't stop! Believin'!

  25. Did some server Tweask should get rid of some lag.

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