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Choot 'em

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Everything posted by Choot 'em

  1. It would probably be best to contact member The Gryffin via PM to check available character slots. You can pm him here! Hope this helps Cammy and welcome to the forums!
  2. Rather interesting from the images IR3CON!! Tried to DL from Waypoint but seems to be having issues lol. Will continue trying, go through the map and leave my thoughts. Thanks for submitting!
  3. ^^^^This does make quite a difference in price. If I'm not mistaken, Gamestop usually will offer 50% of what they can sell the item for much like how a pawn shop does to leave room for profit and depreciation of price. Gamestop does NOT include HDD or controllers for trade-in value of systems. Those are separate. Check here to compare which version you have along with Gamestop's selling price. As for the games, you will have to manually search for each specific game and use the "Used Game" price to calculate the trade-in price. This may not be 100% accurate but will give you a general idea of how much you can expect to get when trading merchandise at Gamestop.
  4. Congratulations on becoming MoM Zandril! You have really proven yourself with your contributions to the site and the willingness to offer feedback and suggestions to a lot of newly posted maps from the community while offering up your own library of high quality maps! I look forward to seeing future creations that you come up with! Now be a good MoM and fix me a sammich!!
  5. Great write-up Zandril! A truly inspirational OP! If a post like this doesn't offer aspiring forgers inspiration for their creation process, nothing will lol! P.S. - Grammatical errors, sentence structure, etc. was near flawless lmao! Great read!
  6. You're welcome Zandril! Thanks for explaining the trait zone, makes sense now lol! Who doesn't like 1v1 Rockets?? Choot loves Rockets, especially on Guardian!! (thanks quilts )
  7. By just clicking the map in fileshare then copying the link in browser, you are still on your personal fileshare page. For a sure fire way to direct link try clicking the map in fileshare, refresh the page, then copy that link from your browser. like so.... http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/30ada87c-8dd4-45d8-a64e-5ed927f44dfe
  8. Managed to look over Silex Zandril! As stated before, I know it's a work in progress so here is my overall opinion! Critique - Ramps near initials (Red/Blue) need smoothing as there is a slight bump. They also felt a little steep to me (may just be me lol). You could possibly decrease the angle and create a smoother transition by using either a 4x4 flat or 5x5 flat. Now this would increase the distance of the incline so a bank would need to be created on the lower level near the tree to fill in the gap and make an interesting transition to the incline. The BRs are easily passed by and needs something obvious there to say "Hey!! Here I am, use me, abuse me!!!". I like the idea of the weapon holder but the object didn't allow for easy recognition of the BR. Some of the respawns could use some type of cover. Most appeared to be fine but a little random. Area next to crate seems bare. From Blue initial, only one obvious access to Rockets. Red has multiple inclines to choose from, either by way of Gold or Red. Random drops really didn't need as many selections. Could have made two selections for equal weight or 3 selections with one weapon weighted more. Praise - Areas are CLEARLY defined by use of color. Respawns (and color) make it very easy to get reoriented after a death. Tactical jump to Gold by use of crate and rock is cool and has additional use as cover. I really appreciate the multidirectional flow of the map!! Smaller size leaves no dull moment from the action! I would love to get a 1v1 played on it! I didn't get the chance to check the trait zone property settings but can you give details?? Overall I really like this map Zandril and hope you continue with it's creation! Take my critique with a grain of salt as it's just one opinion!!
  9. Great wrap up Drizzy! Always informative and entertaining! A little extra tidbit of info... MYM Dominion deadline has been extended to September 20! (for those who didn't know lol)
  10. Another good looking map Zandril! Can I make one suggestion... a great member offers a map marker pack for the community to see where player and weapon spawns are. Please feel free to use on your overview shot. Here is the link >>> http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/29982-zans-halo-4-map-marker-pack/.
  11. Sounds similar to the slow motion assassination mod. You view the assassination in slow motion while others view it in real time which puts you at a great disadvantage.
  12. I like the name and the layout. Will download for a test. I realize it's a work in progress but like the direction the map is heading.
  13. Great post ΩMΣGΛ!! I love these weapon articles. The exotic weapons all have backstory that Bungie has gone the extra mile in making them truly personal and worth searching for. I will be one of those Guardians keeping a watchful eye for these weapons. A thought came to mind concerning achievements/trophys.... I can definitely see something like this happening! Maybe not 50 exotics but you get the point! Thanks for the post ΩMΣGΛ!!
  14. The books add a ton of backstory to the Halo universe. They fill the void that the games leave out. It really depends on just how much you wish to explore. My personal opinion would be to purchase a few and if it holds your interest then make the decision to purchase more. Word of advice... if available buy paperback. Same content at a fraction of the cost.
  15. I believe the file's size was too large. Here... I resized and enhanced for you to try. 200 x 200, sharpened 25%, and saved as .jpg (greatly reduced the file size but appears quality was maintained) Give it a go and let me know if it works ☢Self Destruct☢!
  16. You will not get much traffic if any at all with a submission like that lol. This is a map submission forum and has guidelines to follow for optimal views or downloads of your map. You should follow the same guidelines as the THFE map submissions. So here's what you should do.... click the link titled "Submitting a Map: Important Guidelines" here... I will provide the link for you >>> http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/29600-submitting-a-map-important-guidelines/ start a topic titled with your map name remember to post in the correct category wait for feedback/criticism send me a pm telling me "thank you" There are numerous submissions meeting the guidelines to use as an example. Posting a tag to a fileshare will not receive views. Members expect to "see" what they are downloading before they download. Hope this helps Josh!
  17. They are both correct however for screenshots it's not necessary to take up a fileshare slot (except for long term use) as you can select "recent screenshots".
  18. Here are the images in order. Hope this helps xtounge! *Note - Images 1, 2, and 8 were duplicate so I just posted 1. If you need assistance with adding images, feel free to send me a PM!
  19. Wow! Very entertaining! Superb job with the editing and really dig the audio. Will view the others later!
  20. Both Covenant and Prometheans were push-overs but I guess the most challenging were Prometheans. As for Didact... c'mon! He fought 100,000 plus years in countless wars, battles, and slaughters and was killed by a grenade designed by his people, psssfftt... wimp! I like these polls Zebra especially the fact that you haven't added a poll to the topic but you have to actually post your opinions!! Stick with Halo, lol!
  21. ... to say the least!! Amazing work ☢Self Destruct☢!!
  22. As I watched the latest Destiny vidoc, Something caught my attention. Items or "loot" found throughout the Destiny universe appears to be classified by three unique "ratings" and a numerical value showing armor combat level rating and weapon level rating. These items will be available to EVERY character regardless of race or class you choose to play as which is great news knowing that items are not class or race specific. The breakdown is as follows... "Common Items" - Common items will be easy-to-find items hidden randomly throughout the world of Destiny. These will be the items with the least amount of value. *Note the background color of the description is green in color. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Superior Items" - Superior items will be items hidden a little deeper throughout the world of Destiny. This appears to be the middle ground of both value and effectiveness having slightly higher value than common items. *Note the background color of the description is purple in color. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Exotic Items" - Exotic items will be items scarcely hidden throughout the world of Destiny. This appears to be the items of highest effectiveness having much higher value than Superior items. *Note the background color of the description is gold in color. Destiny is a "work in progress" and is currently in a "pre-alpha" stage of development. This is based off of currently revealed material and is subject to change, be modified or cut from the current Destiny build.
  23. Very nice video adam!! I enjoy the interviews that are "one on one", makes it a bit more real. It's amazing to think that this game is still in pre-alpha and looks as good as it does! Thanks adam!!
  24. Created a tight HD render of Gjallarhorn... Here ya' go! ... and for you AD! I saved a copy of my work and will fine tune the render at a later date and share upon request! Enjoy!!!
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