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Choot 'em

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Everything posted by Choot 'em

  1. Improved version of sig, adjusted background and Spartan IV - By request from Total Mayh3m, Spartan IV (tighter capture, smoothed the edges a bit, sharpened image). Not completely flawless, but once downsized not that noticeable.
  2. LMAO!! You do keep it interesting during "black-screen" AD!! Few that I've used before......... "Great....forgot to pay the electric bill AGAIN!!!" and......... *whistles theme song to Jeopardy*
  3. This was just a little project that I wanted to attempt, but I really appreciate the offer theorix!! I love the original sig I have now so it would be hard to top, but if you're willing, I'd like to see what you can create. I once thought that way so.... "Yes you can FIREN4"!!! As long as you remove the "Master Kensei" part Biggs, lmao!! And thanks for the input ShockGasm, HaloDigger12, and Luke!!
  4. Captured still from the video "Halo 4 First Look" provided by Spectral Jester. I then cut just the Spartan IV out of that image and saved said image to my PC, sorry no link. I will upload to photobucket later. I also plan on going back in and attempt a "tighter" capture of the Spartan IV. Thanks for the responses guys, much appreciated input.
  5. LMAO AD!!! Yeah not looking to challenge anyone, but figured I would mess around with it. REDNECKS ROCK!! Didn't think I was THAT behind on the forums, thought Quantum and Egypt still had the shop.
  6. Hey guys, created a new sig with the Spartan IV from Halo 4 and need opinions on it. Was just messing around with the photo editor. Good or Bad??? Background and Spartan IV needs adjusting but other than that I think it's okay. Thanks - Choot
  7. Replied in Donut's topic but will reply here as well. CONGRATULATIONS to our new MoM...........DONUT!!!
  8. :disappointing sadface: Was looking forward to getting some details on the next console. Oh well, will just have to wait it out some more. Thanks for the update Jester!!
  9. Well...well...well!! The Donut finally made it to the top of the food chain, lmao!! Seriously, great job man. You have always strived to do the best you could here and your persistence paid off. There is no other personality here like yours. You are definately one of a kind. You truly deserve it!! Keep up the good work, wear the title with pride and dignity, and mostly............... :unworthy: :unworthy: CONGRATULATIONS MoM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :unworthy: :unworthy:
  10. Happy Birthday highplainsdrifter!!! Have a good one!!
  11. I believe you are missing the real purpose of a gaming system. A gaming system, whether a console or PC, is a form of entertainment with many titles to choose from, not just one title (i.e. Halo). Entertainment is meant to be enjoyed. You would really sell your Xbox 360 if H4 is not up to "your" standards?? That's rather extreme don't you think? Funny thing is, you "own an xbox to play halo", seriously?? There is not one Halo title in your recent history, LMAO!! Your topic is not titled properly either and should be edited. Almost as if you couldn't decide what to post on. Subject goes from "selling xbox" to "my opinion of what Halo 4 should be" and then to "PC is better than console". If you choose a topic, try remaining on that topic by making well thought-out and valid points to back up your opinions or back them up by documented facts. If it is opinion, title it as opinion. I do, however, agree with your opinion that Halo 4 should have "good maps, solid controlled gameplay with a competitive ranking system". This is what alot of players have been asking for. Oh, one more thing.....Welcome to the forums!!!
  12. Keep up the good work and Congratulations Luke!!
  13. Has gotten my attention AD!! Will give it a go for the challenge, not for the prize!!
  14. Images look to be from a camera-phone or hidden camera in their shirt, lol! Sneaky devil! Looks pretty authentic, great find adamj! Hope they are legit pics!
  15. Artwork looks good Jester! I really hope it is set during the American Revolution era. Cowboys and Indians FTW!! New assassinations - "Scalping" and "Railroad Tie-down"! Thanks for the info Jester!
  16. Missed this one, but did get to join in one match later in the evening. Hopefully next time.
  17. Heh, my previous vehicle was a Dodge Durango. They have got to come up with something better than that, lol! Thanks for the info!
  18. No problem, the video has lots of interesting information.
  19. You should read this entire topic and all of it's replies as i've already pointed this out here.
  20. Map looks very good Quilts! I really enjoyed playing this map (original version) and looking forward to trying the updated one. Cued for download the next time I sign-in to Reach!!
  21. Not going to be able to make it in the a.m. LoFi. Hopefully by the afternoon I will be off work. Will message if I get on. Monkeyshizz!!!
  22. I'm guessing the new sound for the AR or quite possibly a new fully automatic rifle to replace DMR and BR. Long firing sequence...I would say the new sound for the Detachable Turret and Warthog Turret. Could we also see the addition of mortars?? or the mortar sound may be used for a type of grenade launcher. Just my thoughts. Thanks AD!!
  23. Looks good AD!! Cued for download the next time I sign into Reach!! Love the bridge, lmao!!
  24. Welcome back El Silverado!!! Hope you are enjoying all of the fantasic changes to the site!!
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