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Choot 'em

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Status Replies posted by Choot 'em

  1. Meet your Maker v2!!!!

  2. Fridays CGN recap for 343i.org's play date is up! Be advised though , there is some mild language so watch at your own risk , with that aside , enjoy ^.^ - http://youtu.be/qjjQpl_tunw

  3. Any ideas for a filling snack before work?

  4. Nooooo! I'll be gone on 20th of July so I'll misss the H3 playdate! Whyyyyyyy :'(

  5. the first an very awesome game play trailer for GTA V is out

  6. Just finished Mass Effect play through #1, what's the credits song called?

  7. Today I listened to "Cruise," while cruising in a Chevy Cruise with my cousin and my brothers. Very fun.

  8. I've been a pink Spartan for many many years and now I get a pink title for a month. This is awesome!!!! thanks everyone.

    1. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      *posted comment on profile, MoM topic, shoutbox, and at HaloCustoms* LMAO!! :)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. just watched a 2 hour mass effect documentry

  10. Stupid heat wave!

  11. So many things to look forward to this holiday season. The Hobbit part 2, Fable Anniversary, PS4 coming out, Pokemon X and Y. So many things. :)

  12. So many things to look forward to this holiday season. The Hobbit part 2, Fable Anniversary, PS4 coming out, Pokemon X and Y. So many things. :)

  13. i went in to my local gamestore today and pre orderd a playstation 4

  14. Hey everybody if you are experiencing xbox live problems, microsoft is aware of it,and is trying its best to fix it. If you are still on xbox live,dont go offline,because it will kick you off. Microsft is updating whats going on every 30 minutes.

  15. I'm here... Lurking... Watching...

  16. Not sure if this is good, but this is my connection with my laptop tethered to windows phone: http://www.speedtest.net/result/2634418238.png opinions?

  17. Not sure if this is good, but this is my connection with my laptop tethered to windows phone: http://www.speedtest.net/result/2634418238.png opinions?

  18. Drizzy_Dan wins the award for comment of the year! http://343i.org/16m

  19. Slow month in the art dept... *Kicks back in the forum office eating donuts*

  20. Destiny section of the WSW is packed right now thank you Azaxx, highplainsdrifter, adam, and Choot!

  21. Just about done with my new map

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