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Choot 'em

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Everything posted by Choot 'em

  1. Hello and welcome SD!! This is the friendliest place on the www so like the others said, feel free to ask when you have a question!! :guitar:
  2. Welcome to the forums Spooky Fish!! Enjoy the wonderful topics on display for your viewing pleasure!!
  3. Very interesting! I like how they are tying in Halsey's story and the remaining Spartans! Have mine pre-ordered, along with Primordium! Thanks Jester!!!
  4. Thanks for the updates Vore! There are only a few of us here that actually follow football, the updates help with the games I don't get to watch. Saints win again!!
  5. Hate is such a strong word. It's just not nearly as entertaining as the UK version. LOL!!
  6. The weight of Spectral Jester's advice would break an average man's jaw!!!
  7. To me the Brute costume looks the best (out of the three), but i think i'll wait until next month when i get my sweet Master Chief armor.
  8. I Googled "Spectral Jester" and it simply stated "you're not worthy", LOL!!!
  9. and this is the only site you'll find the one and only Spectral Jester!! :unworthy:
  10. This forum rocks!!! Why go anywhere else? It's full of epic and win!!
  11. Choot 'em

    Sup guys

    Welcome to our Humble Abode!! Make yourself at home and enjoy!! :guitar:
  12. Thanks for the update Twam!! I have also noticed that you can't "Like" your own posts. That's definately a plus!! I had noticed a few people abusing that in the old +/- method by "liking" posts they made. Cheerio!!!
  13. the engineers who had mysteriously
  14. "Grifball"..........3.............2.............1..............*beep* I'll save topic until further details (time, date, etc.) Sounds fun!!!
  15. Welcome to the site!!! *jedi wave* These are not the cookies you were looking for..................... Moving along..................
  16. Hey, I am from Louisiana and a country boy can survive, LOL!!! The person above me may actually know me. The person below me enjoys long walks on the beach, flowers on Valentine's day, and snuggling to a good movie, LOLOLOL!!!
  17. Actually, all the dates occur before CE, unless I'm missing something and all events pre-date the fall of Reach. The latest even getting the "shopping list" ready for Dr. Halsey. As always, just my observation.
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