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Choot 'em

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Status Replies posted by Choot 'em

  1. After nearly 5 months. I have 100% fixed my computer. Main problem. A crap load of dust. And I don't mean just a normal a lot. .5cm of dust covering the fan filters at least. And that was just one area.

  2. I'm back. After a while. If anyone noticed and cares to know.

  3. My Halo 4 disc is scratched and not readable. My live is over!!!

  4. This week's wrapup is long

  5. Made a pretty noob mistake... Must be time for sleep or more coffee ?

  6. Have made some changes in some of the sections and forums. Some forums have moved or been more aptly named.

  7. Rocking 117 likes!!!

  8. Broncos\Ravens game is crazy

  9. Have a wonderful day 343ICF

  10. Master Chief can slam a revolving door

  11. laptop is close to death, google chrome being the only program it will open without having a major crash. D:

  12. Should I break my 343 posts?

  13. Good morning 343icf :)

  14. Not sure about all of you. But I am ready for Christmas to be over. Call me the Grinch, but I just don't like Christmas too much. Shouldn't take a holiday for people to be giving and what not. Just saying.. Merry Christmas all!

  15. I'm finally gonna catch that giant red fat guy tonight.

  16. Merry Christmas 343i Community Forum!

  17. Happy Christmas to everyone over sea's!


  19. Thank you Absolute Dog and Sykowolf for making this Christmas tree work fantastically!

  20. Dad says i obsess over halo, whats wrong with that?

  21. :( I still don't have my Halo 4 LE :( .
  22. :( I still don't have my Halo 4 LE :( .
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