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Choot 'em

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Status Replies posted by Choot 'em

  1. the ultimate combo: Chuck Norris + Master Cheif + superman

  2. I would like to wish all of you a good start to the new year and thank all of those who bring out the best in this forum.

  3. Halo 3...describe in 2 words.

  4. I reckon it time for me to come back here

  5. I make another triumphant return! for good this time! On a kindle!

  6. I am happy to finally be home again! Holiday travel sucked this year, anyway hope everyone had a great holiday!

  7. I have been out of town working. Will be back on tomorrow.

  8. I am now a "trusted member"!

  9. yay i'm trust worthy! i just looked at my profile XD

  10. I am sick of being sick, thankfully i'm on the downslope.

  11. Bob's tribute to Spectral Jester....He Lives In You.......

  12. Can't wait to halo 4 going insane.

  13. Little...yellow....different :)

  14. I am very pleased with the update, nice and clean feeling, the beacons might be a bit much though.

  15. Hopeful that this "slightly delayed" dashboard update doesn't get fully delayed

  16. Pumped for the new dashboard tomorrow! Have yet to hear if it's been delayed again, crossing my fingers it won't be!

  17. Racking my brain right now over Choot 'em's giveaway contest.

  18. I finally hit my 1,000th post!

  19. I make my triumphant return! On my mom's computer. For about an hour.

  20. 200th posts posted I'm now Trusted :)

  21. A lot of members have been gone due to travel due to the holiday. Hope you had fun and return home safe.

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