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Posts posted by EdwardBuckODST

  1. So now we are 3 game entries of the Halo universe in wiht 343 at the helm of the franchise, and so far the ratings have been very unpleasant if you are sitting at 343 office HQ. The company has had its fair share of the blunt relentless words of the community, and with good reason as they seem to be taking HAlo not in one direction but in so many different dircetins they ont seem to know what to make of it.


    Lets start with Halo 4 not the gameplay itself but the story... it gave us back the Master Chief and Cortana and gave us more story to the series, but it ended with the death of an iconic character and leaving our main protagonist in a sort of depressed manner and feeling like he has no true place in the world where all seems to have passed him by.


    Than  The escalationa nd all that crap continuing the not so well written cliche loaded stereotypical world of Spartan Ops... literally not much else needs to be said about how poorly written and drawn that was...


    Moving on from that disaster we see this new hope in the form of the MCC or the masterchief collection with all these great options and stuff in one box oh how the fans got excited... than it was as if 343 placed a giant turnd upon your hopes and dreams by releasing what seemed to be the master chief menu screen because everything else about the game seemed well non existant with horrible wait times for a match if you even got one to begin with the lack of much needed content  Halo 4 spartan ops, more on this in a bit, plus the lack of customization of armor... 


    Jeez was it a disaster and still to this day has so many bugs that they may as well cut the damn thing and say our bad the fact that the lack of features seemed well like they were lazy as all hell... the playlist are ok ish when they work, but halo 4 got zero love in the Spartan ops mode... because lets face it not many loved to play Spartans ops... so what they did surprised me(not)


    Rather than giving the option to search for players who want to play some Spartan ops mission yu have to go to your friends list and somehow convince them to turn on the MCC and play a round or two of Spartan ops... why not just have the match making option and speed up the process like the scenario I ran it once once with this:


                                                         I had to go to the forums to enlist the help from other players  to play Spartan op missions, afgter an entire day of no reply I give up the next day I get a reply hey man ill join you, I send a message he says yea nevermind man I'm not home... this cycle of failures repeats...

    NO friends wanted to play SP so I'm basically stuck playing solo which = boring...


    and the rest is history with MCC... so now we are gearing up after the Halo 5 beta ( main reason people stuck it out with MCC) and the hype is building there is a new guy who may be friend or Foe the hunt the truth gets some conspiracy going Chief may have gone off the deep end OMG what is going on than we get previews the frame rate looks great but it cost us split screen and people were ****** and for good reason, but we carried on we figured dudes this is going to be epic right... than the day comes people jump on they go into the campaign and go oh man this is going to have mad replay value right ...Wrong literally no force on earth can get a person to replay the campaign... I mean you could ay well it has a cool story but nope that dofus who wrote escalation and Spartan ops wrote this too yay smart choice right WRONG... they brought back Cortana and turned Halo into some cheap Spanish Telenovela where someone's long lost brother who was presumed dead returns only to find out they have no Memory and they are now some evil doer... also the campaign was no were double any campaign as they said and there is no actually progression point system or daily challenges that made reach and halo 4 replayable for the campaign so really people are left with this empty feel...even the game lacked playlist which the say is Free DLC but honestly saying things like Forge and BTB are extra Free DLC in halo is like saying if I bought a car and they will give me tires and the hood for free ... really isn't that a standard option when you buy a car... Maaybe if they haven't claimed them all as Free DLC rather just much needed held back items for improvements people would not be so hard... but yea also the REQ system is cool but shouldn't be the entire basis of power weapons and vehicles in warzone perhaps have a few power weapons drops and some random vehicle drops... just  a suggestion...


    Halo 5 seems to focus on one thing and one thing only HCS this is 343 new cream of the crop because its all about winning its no longer about just turning a video game on getting a warm and fuzzy and having fun nope the days of enjoying a game for simple entertainment is gone now you must apply and ensure you can handle the hours of play to be as good as the Pro Teams which they seem to throw in our face every time they can with hey check out the latest HCS this or that and dude there is another HCS and awe are making all our map HCS approved by moving thing and taking things out.


    NOw with E3 around the corner I'm assuming some Halo Wars 2 footage will be showed but not till the end to ensure the audience stays tuned, also perhaps a halo 6 preview also and boy its going to be hyped like crazy ... oh hey and if you tune in your going to get a legendary Mongoose that can only be called in at REQ level 9 and will have a design that no one really cares about but it will offer faster speed and less protection but it will be a Mythic Mongoose because the Halo community is just dying for a Mythic REQ that does zero for you... or a helmet and armor that's going to be essentially the existing armors but what a different name to it ( deadeye armor = Fotus Armor no one will notice right.... Brand new armors 50 percent are just mix and match or reskinned armors).


    OH but firefight is coming out soon OMG the excitement... but its not firefight firefight didn't have a timer it had lives... if you couldn't clear a wave within the certain amount of lives , and if all lives are lost the round is lost at that wave... also the intro for the love of god the intro was probably the laziest thing iv ever seen literally its the same warzone intro but this time 343 expects us to believe that you need 3 pelican drop ships to bring 8 Spartans in... what did one Spartan not play well with others and gets his own pelican ... assuming 4 Spartans to a pelican... what 343 couldn't make an animation where the 8 Spartans drop from the pelican and into battle I mean that would be more Epic... Perhaps it was just for the Beta and they will make a sweet intro specifically for Warzone Firefight but I'm not holding my breath because as 343 has shown time and time again they seem to not have much effort in design once they created a product I.E. the repeat armors with reskins and renamed, and the cheap firefight intro which is just the same warzone intro but with a new speech intro.


    NOw knowing that this trend seems to be 343 tradition we get back to E3 and how they will hype **** up... do you buy into the hype or do you proceed with caution at this point ...


    Meaning are you going to wait till halo wars 2 releases watch some videos see if the sotry is good and the gameplay is up to par or will you wait it ouot or avoid it at all cost.. and the same goes with halo 6 and future instalements.


    Has 343 lost your faith in them at this point?

    After being called entitled, nope. I wont bother with a dev that simply doesnt care about quality oftheir game or the community that follows them.

  2. Im just curious because a buddy of mine was wondering how so when he was banned yesterday because of his 2nd account on Waypoint. He was telling me that the profile isnt on the Xbox One, and the IP was different whenever he created it because he moved and got a better internet provider so any thoughts on how they find out? 


    Unless you talk about Halo 5 and have no service record of it or anything.

    • Like 1
  3. let me guess it was Snickerdoodles that banned you or Ka Five right?




    if so they dis same to me for exact same thing except they got my main gamertag suspended for 2 weeks from XBL and my offline guest/silver account perma banned from XBL which was the one i used on waypoint !!!


    im sharing a screenshot below of how these two operate they feed the trolls on waypoint and then ban the non trolls

    Wow thats messed up man.

  4. I honestly have no idea what you're on about. What's the exact issue here?

    Are you having trouble staying on target? Are you over-aiming?


    Most of the issues that presented with aiming at launch and somewhat beyond is fixable with the extended controller adjustments put in. There's even a certain setting value that makes your aiming behave the way it did in the beta.


    "Currently, this value defaults to 3. For Halo 5's launch, we made the Look Acceleration a tad faster than it has been in past games and the Halo 5 Multiplayer Beta. This was done in part to help you make large aim corrections a bit faster (for example, if someone is attacking you from behind it allows you to more quickly do a 180). If you would like the Look Acceleration to match the Multiplayer Beta, use a setting of 2 here."



    Here's a guide on how to set your settings for your own optimal performance.

    Well I have noticed even with the update that we got, that t he aiming is still messed up and it might possibly be that whenever they give us a new update it might affect the current aiming mechanics in a way we might not notice because I have seen people state it on Waypoint, but i have been trying to adjust my setting to fit but nothing seems to work and I went back to the MCC and Reach to see if I was just doing poorly and I didnt have issues there. 

  5. Not something to be playing alone, way more fun in a full team if you can get the 8 players. At first I thought it was bland but the fun you could have in a full party is almost endless as of now (while everything's new and all). I'm on the fence about unlimited lives although sometimes during Garage defense it seems quite necessary. 

    If they gave us 2 maps instead of 1 I think that would make a difference. Glad they extended the beta by a day though.

    True, I have jumped in with randoms but I have had a good time so far. At first it liked the amount of AI and all but they need more variety of enemies besides just having Covenant and Promethans. They need to bring Flood and Brutes back into the mix for better more interesting encounters. Im no the fence as well to see what will change for whenever it is finally released.


    Personally if your team works together the limited lives could work out because it might give you the challenge everyone is looking for and on top of hat you can use Reqs so honestly I think they should do that. Also on another note, the game has its times where it kicks you even though you still have time left. It happened to me during my last match, We had about a minute and thirty seconds left and then boom, it said we failed so possibly they need to fix that. I would report it to Waypoint but sadly I am perma banned from there lol


    Another map would have been great, possibly a completely new map instead of using one of the older maps instead. This game needs more variety rather than rehashed and reused things over and over again.

  6. This update broke everything that was patched, it seems. 


    In return, how about nobody  play Halo 5 until they fix it in the June update? That should make it playable, and not a mess like MCC

    Which is why updates are bad and the way 343 are doing so it will take forever for things to work how they should. I understand updates might screw some thing up and should be fix immediately upon finding. I might just wait until the game is actually finished and working like a completed and finish game should.

  7. So whenever you go in and start making a map make sure you place down a respawn and initial spawn because before the update you could go in with NOTHING on the map and still jump right in. Now if you do that you wont be able to join your map or create anything and you will be stuck so remember Forgers to place down your spawns!

    • Like 2
  8. Are they perma-banning for non-constructive posts now?



    Yep they are indeed.


    Here is my buddies post on the matter.


    Do not make nonconstructive posts.
    Comparing this Halo to past ones isnt a flawed idea of many as yours though. If you recall Halo 3 being the prime, the most played Halo with 1.1 million players online after its 1 year release. Yes things have changed and I understand that but "that" past part that you hate people comparing it to is saying something and with 343 taking over it just shows that their ideas, their direction to take Halo is for the worst.

    Halo 5 HAD that potential but 343 screwed it up so hard that even more people left the series. You clearly assume that the older playstyle of Halo would NEVER work with today standards because it is slower, you can get around like you can in modern shooters and you see THATS what made Halo different from other shooters because it WASNT modern with all this crap like Sprint, Clamber, Thrusters, Slide and Ground Pound. You say it cant happen but you clearly dont know that because you are scared it will flop or that it will be too slow. 343 has tried to open up to more people and sadly it has backfired. They have already run out of ideas so why not try to go back and innovate properly.


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