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xX DarkDeadShot

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Everything posted by xX DarkDeadShot

  1. Why???? Why can NO ONE figure out that if you have HALF the amount of players as team arena that you have have HALF THE POWER WEAPONS IN DOUBLES?!?!?!? I honestly cannot figure out how 343i can be as stupid as Bungie with this!! In every effing map there is a rocket launcher with 4 shots, a sniper with 12 shots, either camoflage or overshield that spawns every 2 minutes, AND either shotgun with 5 shots or scattershot with 10 shots!! Doubles is no longer about any kind if shooting talent or teamwork! All it comes down to who can control power weapons better than the other team! And once one team controls the power weapons and keeps them away from the other team, then it is a complete **** show! Doubles should be about TEAMWORK! Just like any other portion of competitive halo! There should be ONE power weapon OR ONE power up! It should give the team a short-term advantage! Instead, rockets and sniper last until the NEXT rockets and sniper show up! These should each have ONE CLIP in doubles! Not the full amount that is in Arena! If one team tries to team shoot the sniper, then he backs out and the rockets come in to wipe them out. HOW CAN NO ONE FIGURE THIS OUT??? THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! IT IS BASIC GAME DEVELOPMENT LOGIC! BASIC!!! BASIC!!!!!!! YOU HAVE AN ENTIRE TEAM WORKING ON THIS GAME!! INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL OR FORMER PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS!! WHERE IS BRAVO??? WHO THOUGHT THAT THIS WAS BALANCED???
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