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Everything posted by Flappy

  1. Ugh no wonder I couldn't find them. Okay thank you, I'll try my luck there.
  2. Hi there. I'm going to be straight to the point, I'm a little annoyed with the way how boosts are dealt with if you exit a game. Its fine if you lose the boost if you quit, but what I find annoying is that you lose the boost if you disconnect, which can entirely be not your fault. I was recently playing a game of Warzone just now, and I decided to put on the Legendary Warzone REP point boost I just got in a pack. We was close to finishing the game with only 200 points to go, and for no apparent reason I just disconnected from the servers (Even though I had no lag problems in the game at any point) and coincidently, I also lost my boost even though nothing on my end was the problem. Even if these boost can be easily replaced in Packs, that's not the point, I think its annoying how you can lose it for simply disconnecting, and it can be something big like a legendary boost. If anyone shares this view please can you forward this post on or whatever you need to do, I don't find it fair if you disconnect that you lose boosts, especially Legendary ones, and maybe see if there's a way to keep your boosts if you disconnect by letting the staff at 343 know. Thank you
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