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Everything posted by youloswagbrah69

  1. Going back I know the post was childish, but I typed all of that from pure rage from all the Warzone BS. I try to become a decent member of waypoint through alternate accounts, but they have away of sniffing me out somehow. (probably my IP) I'm currently on my 8th account, wish me luck, and thanks for the feedback.
  2. So I got banned until 2552 yesterday. The reason? posting criticism about Warzone and the game-wide connection problems that have come with the Christmas n00bs. Of course, I get a message saying I got perma banned by of course, Snickerdoodle. I thought this must have been a mistake. So I did some research and apparently this mod is pretty busy banning people. With my research I've been noticing a pattern, they all claim they had post gripes and criticisms about H5. So apparently we have a fangirl mod who is abusing her power and banning people who won't bow down to the one and only true god 343. This needs to be stopped, but I don't know how to get around the ban and get her mod powers revoked. I assume this is a little more chill forum, so I'm free to post gripes. Here's some screen grabs. Feel free to post your snickerdoodle stories as well. Sure some of ya'll have 'em. .
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